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Je voudrais aller la voir de suite, mais je suis tellement retenu par mon travail; et puis le bon arrangement de ce travail et son heureux succes m'avaient fait regagner un peu ma serenite d'esprit, et maintenant je souffre de nouveau pour mon oncle et ma tante. Vraiment c'est penible d'etre la avec son dernier enfant qui s'en va si vite.

Cette fierte neanmoins n'excluait pas en lui une rare modestie; partout il se soustrait a l'eloge; se derobe au panegyrique; jamais il ne parle de ses exploits, et jamais il ne souffre qu'un autre lui en parle en sa presence. Son caractere egale en grandeur et surpasse en verite celui de tout autre heros ancien ou moderne.

The tenor, raised upon one hand, his shoulders supported by his friends, sustained the theme which the soprano led with the words: "Je me meurs Ah malheur Ah je souffre Mon ame s'envole." The chorus formed a semi-circle just behind him. The women on one side, the men on the other.

I take farewell of you, Panna Irene so many years! so many years! I loved you all so greatly, so heartily. Some people call me a romantic old dreamer. I am. I suffer. Je souffre horriblement. I wish you every happiness. Perhaps, we may never meet again. Perhaps, I shall go to the country. I take farewell of you. So many, so many years! O Dieu!"

"Il parait que j'avais encore besoin de repos, car aujourd'hui je suis tres fatigue. J'espere que lundi j'irai mieux; un ou deux jours de repos me sont necessaires: voila tout. Je n'ai point de surexcitation cerebrale; je dors bien et je me repose pleinement, ce qui ne doit pas tarder a retablir mes forces. Je souffre d'etre seul. Mr.

The water dashes up through narrow crevices in the rocks, which gives it great force, and possibly might account for the fish story, but I doubt it. Even at this hour the heat was intolerable. We had hoped for a little breeze on the water; but, alas! there was none. Poor Senor Herreras held his foot incased in tight patent-leather boots in his lap, moaning, "Comme je souffre!"

Our author thus proceeds: «La vue seule de la chaine du Jura nous apprend donc ce que deviendroit enfin toutes les montagnes. Dans la plus grande partie de son étendue, il ne souffre plus aucun changement ruineux: la végétation le recouvre presque partout.

"Gustave!" said she, "Je souffre," and she laid her head on his shoulder. A flash in his face, full of surprise sliding into ecstasy. He could not understand this sudden change in her disposition, and I am quite sure she never gave him the key. I left the carriage at Frejus, and at parting caught her eye. She laughed, so did I. We understood each other.

His dark eyes were bent imploringly on hers. "I I can't bear to see you suffer." "Oh, mon Dieu, je ne souffre pas! That is saying far too much. "Was it Pontefract?" "No, oh, no. Ponty and I are very good friends," she returned absently. And then she remembered. She was going to marry Ponty! "Let's walk to the sun-dial and see what time it is by the moon," she suggested abruptly.

They were not classed with the servants, but had their share of the society and amusements of the house, and a fair chance of marriage in their own degree, though the comfort of their situation varied a good deal according to the amiability of their mistress, from that of a confidential friend to a white slave and souffre douleur. Dr.