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"Take some yourself," Sandy responded. "Are they after you, too?" McHale shook his head sadly. "Sonny," said he, "you're too young to be havin' them cute little visions of things bein' after you. I reckon maybe we're pullin' two ways on one rope. Also, we ain't gettin' no drier standin' here chewin' about it. Maybe you got a camp somewheres. S'pose you find the latchstring.

And he begins to call her pet names of all kinds and beg her please, if she won't get off complete, to set somewheres else a minute, fur his chest he can feel giving way, and his ribs caving in. He called her his plump little woman three or four times and she must of softened up some, fur she moved and his voice come stronger, but not less meek and lowly.

"You can lay to it," said Ditty firmly, "that there's more'n one million in English pounds buried in these here islands. And there's a bunch of it somewheres on this island." "Then, Bug-eye, wye don't we git that map hand dig it hup hourselves on the bloomin' jump? Wye wite? We kin easy 'andle the hafter-guard." "The boys are balkin', that's why," growled Ditty.

"Hark! did ye hear that, sir?" "What?" demanded Leslie. The other three men suspended their efforts as the first man replied "Why, I thought I heard somebody singin' out, somewheres. Ay, I was right," he continued, as a faint "Hillo!" came pealing softly across the darkling surface of the water. "Hillo!" answered Leslie, sending a stentorian shout ahead through his hollow hands.

And in the light of this dramatic outburst of light, the girl saw her father seated at a table with his back turned toward her. She entered the room, then, with an aggrieved air, her logic evidently concluding that somebody was to blame for her nervous fright. "Oh, yer on'y sulkin' 'bout yer supper. I thought mebbe ye'd gone somewheres." Her father made no reply.

He is the thinnest kind of an impostor has come here with a lot of empty names and facts which he picked up somewheres, and you take them for PROOFS, and are helped to fool yourselves by these foolish friends here, who ought to know better. Mary Jane Wilks, you know me for your friend, and for your unselfish friend, too. Now listen to me; turn this pitiful rascal out I BEG you to do it. Will you?"

'Workmen, said the man. 'Someone was in there early this morning and left the gas escaping somewheres, and as likely as not a light burning near and here you are. Well, I'll be off, sir; there's nothing more to be done 'ere. Good-day, sir, and thank ye, I'm sure. 'Oh, George! said Ella, half crying, 'our poor, poor little house! It seems like a judgment on me. How can you laugh!

I was wonderin' how he knowed it," he added, glancing shrewdly sideways. "Thought maybe you might have met him up in California, or somewheres." "Oh, that's easy," responded Hardy unblinkingly. "The first thing he did was to ask me my full name. I notice he calls you Jefferson," he added, shiftily changing the subject.

"Danvers!" exclaimed a huge red-faced fellow at the other end of the board, "Why he talks yer 'ead off about what he's picked up here and there like, and when I asked him to tell me where my son is as went to Mexico, blowed if he didn't say it was a town somewheres near New York!" Another roar went round the table. Farmer Jocelyn smiled and held up his hand to enjoin silence. "Mr.

"I knew I must have left it somewheres 'cause 'cause, you see I I took it out with me last night and and " "And come home without it. It wouldn't take a King Solomon to know that. Did you find it?" Kenelm's embarrassment appeared to increase. "Well," he stammered, "I ain't exactly found it but " "But what?" "I I'm cal'latin' to find it, Hannah." "Yes, I know.