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Some of his changes of movement, he tried to explain, in his own fashion, when he came back to guide them on other paths. "Saftly back saftly now, this way. Guy's in his dark house in the rock, but there's a many rooms, and 't mout be, we're a walking jest now, over his head. Then he mout hear, you see, and Guy's got ears like the great owl.

He kin hear mighty far in the night, and see too; and you mustn't step into his holes. There's heap of holes in Guy's dark house. Saftly, now and here away." Briefly, the rocky avenues were numerous in the Wolf's Neck, and some of them ran near the surface.

'Forsake my religion? Never! cried Arthur indignantly. 'Saftly, saftly, said Yusuf; 'nae doot ye trow as I did that they are a' mere pagans and savage heathens, worshipping Baal and Ashtaroth, but I fand myself quite mista'en. They hae no idols, and girn at the blinded Papists as muckle as auld Deacon Shortcoats himsel'. 'I know that, threw in Arthur.

I'd wager my mither's silver tea-urn none could have done so weel; she has borne and sheltered us to the last minute, and now she lays us gently and saftly on a nice sand bank, and we may step ashore with the ease and pleasure of grand folk. Oh, she's a darling." Oscar. "But she did not lay us so softly, I came down with such force that I am quite sore now." Capt.

He stept as lightly himself as a squirrel, taking care, before throwing his weight upon his foot, to feel that there was no rotting branch or bough beneath, the breaking of which might occasion noise. "Saftly! saftly!" he would say in a whisper, turning back to the party, when he found them treading hurriedly and heavily upon the brush.

"But in place o' that he steps in saftly, wi' the poker pointed like a swoord, and he gies it a poke, and down it a' tumbles together, head and a', in a heap o' bayans and dust, little meyar an' a hatful. "'Twas the bayans o' a child; a' the rest went to dust at a touch. They said nout for a while, but he turns round the skull, as it lay on the floor.

"Come! come! saftly! put your feet down saftly, for Guy's got great white owls that watch for him, and they hoot from the old tree when the horses are coming. Saftly! saftly!" There is an idiocy that does not lack the vulgar faculty of mere shrewdness that can calculate selfishly, and plan coolly in short, can show itself cunning, whenever it has a motive.

Yo mun wrastle wi t' sin an gaa saftly by t' sinner." "Sin!" she said scornfully. Daffady was quelled. "I've allus thowt mysen," he said hastily, "as we'd a deal to larn from Romanists i' soom ways. Noo, their noshun o' Purgatory I daurna say a word for 't when t' minister's taakin, for there's noa warrant for 't i' Scriptur, as I can mek oot bit I'll uphod yo, it's juist handy!

"He says that he has seen his earth, and that now he means to be a long time at home." Davie appeared. "Mr. Alexander has gone to the laird's room. Mrs. Grizel wad have ye all come, too, sae be ye move saftly and sit dumb." The three went. The laird's room was large and somewhat grimly bare. When his wife died he would have taken out every luxury.

"'Sart, says I, and I felt like I was gain' to faint when I sid it. "'Well, that will do, child, says she, saftly thinkin', and she locked it up again.