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Then they's at least fifty acres I could run my brood mares on, pasture mixed up with trees and steep places and such. The other fifty's just thick woods, an' pretty places, an' wild game. An' that old adobe barn's all right. With a new roof it'd shelter any amount of animals in bad weather. Cook at me now, rentin' that measly pasture back of Ping's just to run my restin' animals.

"But somehow," continued Salters, "Lindy warn't satisfied wid rentin', so I buyed a piece ob lan', an' I'se glad now I'se got it. Lindy's got a lot ob gumption; knows most as much as a man. She ain't got dat long head fer nuffin. She's got lots ob sense, but I don't like to tell her so." "Why not?" asked Iola. "Do you think it would make her feel too happy?"

You see plenty er po' white trash now a-ownin' fine homes and de quality rentin' nothin' mo' than cabins." "Well, Judy is the gal I mean, Aunt Mary, and I fancy they will come to live with Mother at Chatsworth." "Don' it beat all how Miss Milly's daughters is marryin' out and her sons a-marryin' in?

You see, rentin' it out so much " "Renting it out!" Amarilly gave a graphic account of the adventures of the errant garment to date. Meanwhile Colette's countenance underwent kaleidoscopic changes. "Amarilly," she asked faintly, "have you the addresses of all those people to whom you rented it?" "Yes; I keep books now, and I put it down in my day ledger the way the Boarder showed me."

Why, I could take this thirst o' mine to a city an' get independent rich, just rentin' it out by the night. I've watched fellers drinkin' when they didn't crave it, an' it hurt 'em somethin' dreadful. If you don't want it, you can't enjoy it until you're under the influence of it, an' after you're under the influence of it half the fun o' drinkin' it is gone."

Such a beautiful hand he wrote! When he was barely turned sixteen they gave 'en a place in Gregory's Bank Wilkins an' Gregory it was in those aged times. He still lived home wi' his mother, rentin' a room extra out of his earnin's, and turnin' one of the bedrooms into a parlour. That's the very room you're lookin' at.

"You see, they was rentin' the place, not buyin' it." "But forty dollars a month is VERY cheap." "Is it? Sho! Now you speak of it I remember that Captain Sam seemed to cal'late 'twas. He said I ought to have asked a hundred, or some such foolishness. I told him he must have the notion that I was left out of the sweet ile when they pickled the other thirty- nine thieves.

"You've got the hull house fer a week, an' o' course all th' money that's tooken in is your'n. You kin do as ye please about rentin' out rooms to other folks, I reckon. A bargain's a bargain, an' I allus stick to one I make."

Virginia considered the suggestion and, after deep thought, remarked: "What do you think we ought to pay for the loan of a baby per hour, Mrs. Burke?" "Well, of course I haven't had much experience rentin' babies, as I have been busy payin' taxes and insurance on my own for some years; then you see rents have gone up like everything lately.

"Oh, I know you've set your thick head dead against rentin' it at all, but that's silly, as I've told you a thousand times. The house is empty and it doesn't do any house good to stay empty. Course if 'twas anybody but you, Jed Winslow, you'd live in it yourself instead of campin' out in this shack here."