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"Yes, I rather think that we have met afore," he said; "don't you remember how you ran after me and my pal ven ve vere goin' to Sydney?" "You scoundrel," replied the inspector, with some warmth, "I only wish that I had the custody of you for a few months." "I 'ave no doubt of it; but I shan't give you a chance now. I've turned 'onest, and intends to lead a different life."

She's writ to the Bishop, an' gone 'ome in a tearin' fit o' the rantin' 'igh-strikes, an' Mister Arbroath 'e's follerd 'er, an' left us wi' a curate a 'armless little chap wi' a bad cold in 'is 'ed, an' a powerful red nose but 'onest an' 'omely like 'is own face. An' 'e'll take the services till our own vicar comes 'ome, which'll be, please God, this day fortnight.

'Well, I ses, 'sir, to be 'onest with you, don't you mention that there fact to anybody but me' because when a lidy goes out of her mind over a lorst dawg up goes the price, and you can't calculate bank-rate, as they ses. The price'll go up fablous, Mr. Orkins; there's nothin' rules the market like that there.

He stepped back then and stood grinning, his long, heavily muscled arms hanging low at his sides, his mustache trying vainly to stick out in more directions than ever. Fairchild rubbed a hand across his eyes. "You 've got me!" came at last. "You don't know me? 'Onest now, don't you? I 'm Arry! Don't you know now? 'Arry from Cornwall!"

Bell suddenly put down her apron. 'Yo're cold and drenched, said she. 'Come near to t' fire and warm yo'rsel'; yo' mun pardon us if we dunnot think on everything at onest. 'Yo're very kind, very kind indeed, said Hester, touched by the poor woman's evident effort to forget her own grief in the duties of hospitality, and loving Bell from that moment.

'I can tell you my family was very respectable; an' my 'usband, 'e earned twenty-five shillings a week, an' was in the sime plice seventeen years; an' 'is employers sent a beautiful wreath ter put on 'is coffin; an' they tell me they never 'ad such a good workman an' sich an 'onest man before. An' me!

A man can but die onest, and we was ready to go int' t' fire for t' save folks' lives, and yet we'd none on us t' wit to see as we might ha' saved yon poor chaps as screeched out for help. 'They'll ha' getten 'em to t' Randyvowse by now, said some one. 'They cannot tak' 'em aboard till morning; t' tide won't serve, said the last speaker but one.

Well, sir, I looked and loved, and became desperate about her, and offered her my 'onest 'and and 'eart, sir, and she promised to become my wife. Yes, indeed, she did; and we exchanged rings, and lucky sixpences and all that; and I gave master warning for next week; and took lodgings in a genteel country-looking cottage on the Deptford road.

One of the navvies caught the expression on Madden's face, and blurted, "If I 'ad it, I'd bring it back 'onest!" Leonard suddenly recalled his suspicions. He looked at Farnol Greer, whose timely shouting and attack had practically quelled the rising.

Gudgeon, I said, 'I only want you to tell a friend of mine about your daughter. 'Oh yis! a friend o' yourn! Another or two on ye in plain clothes behind the door, I dessay. An' pray who said the gal wur my darter? What for do you want to put words into the mouth of a hinicent dyin' woman? I comed by 'er 'onest enough. The pore half-starved thing came up to me in Llanbeblig churchyard.