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He smiled wryly, for sight of the door brought Barbara into his thoughts though he was not sure she had been out of them since the first instant of his meeting with her in Lamo. "They've been tellin' her them damn stories about me bein' a hell-raiser an' she believes 'em," he mused. And then his smile faded. "An she ain't none reassured by my mug."

"Gee, if me girl could see me now!" murmured the red-haired lad, as he sank back in the deep seat. Joe was too preoccupied to more than smile at the lad. There was much that remained to be done. The circus was to remain in this city two days more, over Saturday night, in fact, leaving on Sunday for a distant city. "There's time enough to trap them!" mused Joe. "Time enough to trap them!"

The intense malignity, the brutal hungry lust for vengeance that inspired the words, lent their coarse vulgarity something that was for the moment almost tragical in its strength; almost horrible in its passion. Ezra Baroni looked at him quietly, then without another word went out to a congenial task. "Dat big child is a fool," mused the subtler and gentler Jew.

But though the animal was usually very fond of this delicacy, he now refused it. "That's queer," mused Dick. "I can't understand that. Something surely must be wrong. I hope he isn't going to be sick." "Had we better go any higher?" asked Innis, at the wheel, as he noted the hand on the gage. "We're up nearly nine thousand feet now, and " "Hold her there!" cried Mr. Vardon.

If her father remained abroad in the hunt later than usual, and it was feared that he had been overwhelmed by the tempest, or had met with some other mischance, Leelinau offered up her prayers for safety at the Manitowok. It was there that she fasted, mused, and strolled.

I gave a brief account of her mother, and how she met her death in trying to escape from her husband. The Dominie mused. "Little skilled am I in women, Jacob, yet what thou sayest not only surpriseth but grieveth me. She is fair to look upon." "Handsome is that handsome does, sir. She'll make many a man's heart ache yet, I expect." "Indeed, Jacob.

It was provoking that Richard should be Adrian's best subject for cynical pastime, in the extraordinary heterodoxies he started, and his worst in the way he took it; and the wise youth, against his will, had to feel as conscious of the young man's imaginative mental armour, as he was of his muscular physical. "The same sort of day!" mused Richard, looking up. "I suppose my father's right.

"There's the Livingstons," she mused, "but they ain't any childern. Only a childish brother-in-law. He's not quite all there, as you might say. It'd be no use tryin' to learn him nothin', seein' he's so odd seventy-odd an' his habits like to be fixed. Then, there's the Farrands. But the girls goes to Miss Spenny's school, an' the son's at Columbia.

"It makes such a sort of a a vicious circle, as it were." "Vicious Circe?" mused Flame, a bit absent-mindedly. "No, I don't think it's nice at all to call Miss Flora a 'Vicious Circe." It was Flame's turn now to wince back a little. "I I hate people who hate dogs!" she cried out quite abruptly.

If I must come backwards and forwards, mused the Grinder with a dejected face, 'I may as well have something to come for. 'Something to come for? screamed the old woman. 'Besides you, I mean, Misses Brown, returned the craven Rob. 'Not that I want any inducement but yourself, Misses Brown, I'm sure. Don't begin again, for goodness' sake. 'He don't care for me!