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"I trust, Cassandra, you will now stay at home," said mother; "I am tired of table duty; you must pour the coffee and tea, for I wish to sit beside your father." "You and Aunt Merce have settled down into a venerable condition. You wear caps, too! What a stage forward!" "The cap is not ugly, like Aunt Merce's; I made it," Veronica called, sipping from a great glass.

She walked the room in speechless distress when she saw me, and could not refrain from taking an immense pinch of snuff in my presence. "Didn't you bring any flag-root, Aunt Merce?" "Oh Lord, Cassandra, won't anything upon earth change you?" And then we both laughed, and felt comfortable together. Her knitting mania had given way to one she called transferring.

I was preaching one day to mother and Aunt Merce a sermon after the manner of Mr. Boold, of Barmouth, taking the sofa for a desk, and for my text "Like David's Harp of solemn sound," and had attracted Temperance and Charles into the room by my declamation, when my audience was unexpectedly increased by the entrance of father, with a strange gentleman. Aunt Merce laughed hysterically; I waved my hand to her,

Here the whole mystery was out, but why, because she marries Monsieur de G , you should lose her protection, and why Monsieur de G should be so inveterate against you, is more than I can tell. I have now, my dear mademoiselle, given you a detail of all I know, and shall be most happy to hear from you if you will please to write to me, etcetera, etcetera. "Emile Paon, nee Merce."

Sometimes I found her softly praying. Once when I went there she was crying aloud, in a bitter voice, with her hands over her head. She was her old self when she recovered, except that she was indifferent to practical details. She sought amusement, indeed, liked to have me with her to make her laugh, and Aunt Merce was always near to pet her as of old, and so we forgot those attacks.

Mother descried me, as she would a distant sail, or Aunt Merce, who had a vacant habit of looking from all the windows a moment at a time, as if she were forever expecting the arrival of somebody who never came. Arthur, too, saw me, as he played among the rocks, waded, caught crabs and little fish, like all boys whose hereditary associations are amphibious.

take the lovely words of Beatrice to Virgil "Io son fatta da Dio, sua mercè, tale, Che la vostra miseria non mi tange, fiamma d'esto incendio non m'assale ..." take the simple, but perfect, single line "In la sua volontade è nostra pace." Take of Shakespeare a line or two of Henry the Fourth's expostulation with sleep

We might be sure that we should never find our old level, however happy and forgetful we might grow. She bore us all in mind but sent no message, except to Aunt Merce; she must come to Rosville before summer was over. And could she assist me by taking Arthur for a while? Edward was a quiet, companionable lad, and Arthur would be safe with him at home and at school.

"Drink this tea right down, Mercy," said Temperance, holding a cup before her. "There isn't much to eat in the house. Of all times in the world to be without good victuals! What could Hepsey have meant?" "Poor old soul," Aunt Merce replied, "she is quite broken. Fanny had to help her upstairs." The kitchen door opened, and Temperance's husband, Abram, came in.

The doors were likewise covered with blue damask, nailed round with brass nails. When I had nothing else to do I counted the nails. The wooden mantel shelf, originally painted in imitation of black marble, I covered with damask, and fringed it. I sent Fanny down for mother and Aunt Merce.