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On they came their passions excited by their numbers women and men, children and malignant age in all the awful array of aroused, released, unresisted physical strength and brutal wrath; "Death to the traitor death to the tyrant death to him who has taxed the people!" "Mora l' traditore che ha fatta la gabella! Mora!" Such was the cry of the people such the crime of the Senator!

"Cosa fatta capo ha," was the famous comment of the outraged house "stone dead has no fellow" and as Dino puts it, in the most ordinary way in the world, "they settled to kill him the day he was to have married the damsel, and so they did." "Kill, kill," echoes everywhere through the story of these Florentine nobles. Assassination is an event of every day.

[Footnote 29: We are here let into Dante's confessions. He owns to a little envy, but far more pride: "Gli occhi, diss' io, mi fieno ancor qui tolti, Ma picciol tempo; che poch' è l'offesa Fatta per esser con invidia volti. Troppa è più la paura ond' è sospesa L'anima mia del tormento di sotto Che gi

I am sure that he did just as I said he always did, and bluffed her into marriage with an eyeglass and smile awry. Whether or no he bluffed himself into it too, tempted by the power of his magic apparatus, is precisely the matter which I am to determine. It may have been so but anyhow the facts show you how successful he was in doing what had to be done. Cosa fatta capo ha, as the proverb says.

Come and behold thy Rome that is lamenting, Widowed, alone, and day and night exclaims 'My Caesar, why hast thou forsaken me? Come and behold how loving are the people; And if for us no pity moveth thee, Come and be made ashamed of thy renown." "O Alberto Tedesco, che abbandoni Costei ch' e fatta indomita e selvaggia, E dovresti inforcar li suoi arcioni,

take the lovely words of Beatrice to Virgil "Io son fatta da Dio, sua mercè, tale, Che la vostra miseria non mi tange, fiamma d'esto incendio non m'assale ..." take the simple, but perfect, single line "In la sua volontade è nostra pace." Take of Shakespeare a line or two of Henry the Fourth's expostulation with sleep

Bartholomew, thus described in the Descrizione di Roma, "Nella prima pittura, esprime Georgio Vasari l'istoria del Coligni, grand' amiraglio, di Francia, che come capo de ribelli, e degl'ugonotti, fu ucciso; e nell'altra vicina, la strage fatta in Parigi, e nel regno, de rebelli, e degl'Ugonotti."

But she must be speedy, for I promise her the mood grows on me as I become italianato; and I cannot predict when the other term of the proposition may be accomplished. For one thing, Lady Theologia, I praise you not. Sympathy seems to me of the essence, the healing touch an excellent thing in woman. But you told Virgil, "Io son fatta da Dio, sua merce, tale, Che la vostra miseria non mi tange."

We have already noticed it in the case of Tasso's 'Or, non sai tu com' è fatta la donna? and of the words in which Corisca describes her changes of lovers, to say nothing of its appearance at the close of the Orfeo.

Even the man to whom all paid homage, the illustrious Canova, started, and exclaimed: "Quest' opera di quel giovane Danese è fatta in uno stilo nuovo, e grandioso!" Zoega smiled. "It is bravely done!" said he. The Danish songstress, Frederikke Brunn, was then in Rome and sang enthusiastically about Thorwaldsen's "Jason."

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