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But, strange to say, I see among those who sat beside a future prelate a young man destined to sharpen his knife so well that he will drive it home to his archbishop's heart.... I think I can remember Verger, and I may say of him as Sachetti said of the beatified Florentine: Fu mia vicina, andava come le altre.

It would have been better had it been less perfect. Like some Virgilian hemistichs, it has suffered by filling up. The nimium Vicina was enough in conscience; the Cremonæ afterwards loads it. It is in fact a double pun; and we have always observed that a superfoetation in this sort of wit is dangerous. When a man has said a good thing, it is seldom politic to follow it up.

True, he is very little in town; but why don't you go and see him in the country? Good shooting, pleasant, old-fashioned house." "My dear Westbourne, his house is 'nimium vicina Cremonae, close to a borough in which I have been burned in effigy." "Ha! ha! yes, I remember you first came into parliament for that snug little place; but Lansmere himself never found fault with your votes, did he?"

True, he is very little in town; but why don't you go and see him in the country? Good shooting, pleasant, old-fashioned house." "My dear Westbourne, his house is 'nimium vicina Cremonae, close to a borough in which I have been burned in effigy." "Ha! ha! yes, I remember you first came into parliament for that snug little place; but Lansmere himself never found fault with your votes, did he?"

On the head of the semi-pupa, i.e., a transition state between the larva and pupa, there are two prominent tubercles situated behind the simple eyes, or ocelli; these are deciduous organs, apparently aiding the insect in moving about its cell. They disappear in the mature pupa. Larva of Halictus parallelus. Larva of Andrena vicina.

Voglia presentare i miei distinti doveri all' eccelente suo Sig^re marito ed alle amabili figlie; e mentre io le prego da Dio le più desiderabili benedizioni, Ella si ricordi di me siccome di una persona, che sebbene lontana fisicamente, le è sempre vicina coll' animo, nei sentimenti della più affetuosa venerazione.

There is too great a gap betwixt the adjective vicina in the second line, and the substantive arva in the latter end of the third; which keeps his meaning in obscurity too long, and is contrary to the clearness of his style. Ut quamvis avido is too ambitious an ornament to be his, and gratum opus agricolis are all words unnecessary, and independent of what he had said before.

Several other beetles allied to Meloë are known to be parasitic on wild bees, though the accounts of them are fragmentary. The history of Stylops, a beetle allied to Meloë, is no less strange than that of Meloë, and is in some respects still more interesting. On June 18th I captured an Andrena vicina which had been "stylopized."

The words were: "Ovunque tu sei vicina ti sono." "Give him that," said she; "it is not written with my heart's blood, but my heart bleeds for him bleeds ever inwardly. And now resume your role of soothsayer I must call my ladies." The afternoon of this day Ranuzi wrote to his friend, Captain Kimsky, prisoner of war at Magdeburg: "The train is laid, and will succeed.