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"Posso aver certezza, e non paura, Che raccontando quel che m' e accaduto, Il ver diro, ne mi sara creduto." "Orlando Innamorato," c. 5. st. 53.

Alas! they are but savages, pure and simple, rejoicing in the prospect of an unlimited supply of tobacco, beads, and tomahawks. Paura, a chief from Motu Lavao, is in. The people, it seems, told him, being helaka day, I could not meet him, and he did not come up hill. He is rather a nice-looking fellow, with a mild, open countenance.

"Io sto qua in grande afanno, e con grandissima fatica di corpo, e non ò amici di nessuna sorte, e none voglio: e non ò tanto tempo che io possa mangiare el bisognio mio." Letter to Gismondo, published by Grimm. See, too, Sebastian del Piombo's letter to him of November 9, 1520: "Ma fate paura a ognuno, insino a' papi."

"Allora fama e paura di si buono reggimento, passa in ogni terra." "Vita di Cola di Rienzi", lib. i. cap. 21. "Then the fame and the fear of that so good government passed into every land." "Life of Cola di Rienzi". The thread of my story transports us back to Rome.

A sudden fury of impotent passion possessed me, and I crushed my heel instantly and savagely upon the crimson blossoms, stamping upon them again and again so violently that my wife raised her delicate eyebrows in amazement, and the pressing people who stood round us, shrugged their shoulders, and gazed at one another with looks of utter bewilderment while the girl who had thrown them shrunk back in terror, her face paling as she murmured, "Santissima Madonna! mi fa paura!"

"Ay," said Francisco; "but as my father said to you once the scalded dog fears cold water." * * Il cane scottato dell' acqua calda ha paura poi della fredda.

"Certainly," answered Giacomo with a bow, too much pleased by understanding when there was no reason for it to be captious in regard to the girl's speech. "The Signorina non ha paura, not 'fraid?" "I'm not afraid of anything," was the answer in English. The Italian version of it was a shaking of the head. Then both dictionary and phrase-book were consulted.

Messer Pantolfe de la Cassina of Siena, riding post from Rome, came to Chambery, and alighting at honest Vinet's took one of the pitchforks in the stable; then turning to the innkeeper, said to him, Da Roma in qua io non son andato del corpo. Di gratia piglia in mano questa forcha, et fa mi paura.

[Footnote 29: We are here let into Dante's confessions. He owns to a little envy, but far more pride: "Gli occhi, diss' io, mi fieno ancor qui tolti, Ma picciol tempo; che poch' è l'offesa Fatta per esser con invidia volti. Troppa è più la paura ond' è sospesa L'anima mia del tormento di sotto Che gi