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"Well, she allows ez mebbee you're proud, and didn't like her takin' care of the baby for nowt; and she reckons that ef you'll gin her some book larnin', and get her to sling some fancy talk in fash'n'ble style why, she'll call it squar."

"It's just as well that Rosey reckons that you and me is settlin' our accounts," he began, cunningly, "and mebbee it's just ez well ez she should reckon you're goin' away." "But I AM going," interrupted Renshaw, impatiently. "I leave to-night." "Surely, surely," said Nott, gently, "that's wot you kalkilate to do; that's just nat'ral in a young feller.

Mebbee he was born so, mebbee not; but he looked like he had jes broke loose from the conjur, and caryd his mark." For one fleeting moment, the gates of heaven seemed thrown wide, and the glory of the Kingdom of Peace streamed down upon the aching heart of the desolate woman.

"Fin'ly comes the last talky-talk an' we're to sail away next day an' mebbee snatch the little Joker through or be took an' hung by the Costa Guardas. "An' 'Good-by, says Hardenberg to Esperanza, in a faintin', die-away voice like a kitten with a cold. 'An' ain't we goin' to meet no more? "'I sure hopes as much, puts in Strokher, smirkin' so's you'd think he was a he-milliner sellin' a bonnet.

But we've been holdin' in, restin' up as much as we dared an' still keep our lead. Mebbee it'll surprise you to know we've bet every dollar we could get hold of on this game. Why, Buffalo money is everywhere." "All right, Spears, I'll turn the team over to you. We've got the banner crowd of the year out there right now, a great crowd to play before.

"Ther's nothin' more interestin' than marryin', excep' mebbee the courtin'," she replied softly, "an' a gift is, so ter speak, a message o' love an' tenderness from one human heart t' another. With poor folks, who ain't experts in the use o' words, a gift means more 'n tongue kin tell. I'm sot myself on makin' things.

"I oughtn't to hev intruded, Rosey," he said, "when you and the gentleman were talkin' of contracts, mebbee; but don't mind me. I'm on the fly, anyhow, Rosey dear, hevin' to see a man round the corner." But even the attitude of withdrawing did not prevent the exit of Renshaw to his apartment and of Rosey to the galley.

Mebbee he thought he'd like to get a holt a suthin' himself, even if it was only some of that yar chickin and port wine!" I have a family boarding here, with a sick daughter. You don't think " I seed you and her pre-ambulating down the hill, lockin' arms. A good deal o' style, Jeff fancy! expensive! How does Aunt Sally take it?" A slight shaking of the floor and window a dead silence. Silence.

Chivers, that I cottoned to from the first. Ef this house wasn't HERS, I'd a' bin tempted to cotton to yer offer, too, and mebbee made yer one myself, for it seems to me your style and mine would sorter jibe together. But I see you sabe what's in my mind, and make allowance. WE don't want no bit o' paper to shake hands on that.

Mebbee," he went on, executing a double shuffle in the dust and alternately striking his hands on the sides of his boots, "mebbee you're spyin' round and reportin' to the Judge." Firmly convinced that Jim was working himself up by an Indian war-dance to some desperate assault on himself, but resenting the last unjust accusation, Clarence had recourse to one of his old dogged silences.