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'What ladies? and what did he ask about them, Jock? said the interrogator. 'What leddies? Ou, it was Miss Jowlia Mannering and Miss Lucy Bertram, that ye ken fu' weel yoursell, Mr. Glossin; they were walking wi' the young Laird of Hazlewood upon the ice. 'And what did you tell him about them? demanded Glossin.

The men are fairly done, and, but for that likely Smart, I ken we should be in a far worse state. I am thinking, leddies, a spell at the pump will no harm you, and gie us a better chance of our lives, while the men get a bit snack. Another six hours will make or mar us; but it's no me as will disguise from any one that she's sprung a leak.

Is he safe the Duke, I would say? gasped Eleanor. 'Oh, let me see, Jeanie. 'The Duke, is it? Ah! Geordie is giving a hand to help him on the ground. Tak' tent, tak' tent, Geordie. Dinna coup ower. Ah! they are baith there, and one two three muckle fellows are coming after them. 'Climbing up there! exclaimed the Dame, bustling up. 'God speed them. Those are joes worth having, leddies!

Ye will be ane o' the beneevolent leddies wha gang about, seeking for the lost sheep o' the house o' Israel, meaning sic puir misguided lasses as yon! Ye'll be aiblins, ane o' the leddy directors o' the Magdalen Hospital?" said Mrs. Ferguson. "The what? I don't know what you mean, woman. I am speaking to you of a lady-the Honorable Mrs. Dugald." "A leddy? The Honorable Mistress Dugald?

"It is two leddies. They wrote to the Vicar, and he asked John Philip and he told my man." "Two ladies! Then I can't possibly have my meals in here.

Presently old Bruce came along with the second mate and some men to set a new gaff-topsail, and the ladies rose to go below, so as to be out of the way. "Nae, nae, leddies, dinna go below," said the old mate cheerfully, "ye'll no' hinder us. And the sight o' sae many sweet, bonny faces will mak' us work a' the better. And how are ye now, Mrs. Lacy? Ah, the pink roses are in your cheeks once mair."

Go you if you will; take the leddies by all means if you think it safer; but before I'd trust the wan sister I ever had God rest her soul to the promise of any such blackguard party as this, I'd bury my knife in her throat." An awful stillness followed Feeny's words.

But she could not help noticing his restlessness and his silence; and she was wondering to herself, "why men-folk would be sae trying and contrary," when she heard him say "Grand words, and grand folk, Maggie; but there are far grander than thae be." "Than kings, and queens, and braw knights and fair leddies?"

But, sir, I would like to ken what to ca' her, whether your grace or your honour, or your leddyship, as we say to lairds and leddies in Scotland, and I will take care to mind it; for I ken leddies are full mair particular than gentlemen about their titles of honour." "You have no occasion to call her anything but Madam.

To us it sounded deliciously funny to hear this self-styled African call us "Leddies," and say "Halways" and say "'Aven't yer, now?" They sang in a very indifferent manner, but were rather quick in their retorts.