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There were tears in the woman's eyes as she sobbed, "She is dying! Kommen sie schnell!" The golden daylight turned to darkness before Clayton's eyes, as he reeled and staggered. Then, a mental flash of hope allured him. "Where?" he hoarsely cried. The woman's jargon made plain that the beautiful singer still lay in the darkened rooms whither his loving arms had borne her.

If this can be seen it will tone down all that is too uncontrolled and make self-restraint acceptable, and will deal with the conventions of life as with symbols, poor and inarticulate indeed, but profoundly significant, of things as they ought to be. "In die Erd' isi's aufgenommen, Glucklich ist die Form gefullt; Wird's auch schon zu Tage kommen, Dass es Fleiss und Kunst vergilt?

Theodore Schroeder remarks, obscenity is "the contribution of the reading mind," but we need such books as this in order to diminish the number of prurient minds, and the condemnation of so entirely admirable a book makes, not for morality, but for immorality. Suggestions to mothers are contained in Hugo Salus, Wo kommen die Kinder her?, E. Stiehl, Eine Mutterpflicht, and many other books. Dr.

On each landing she paused more for tears than for breath. At a rear door leading off the second landing she knocked softly, but with insistence. It opened to a slight crack, then immediately swung back full span. "Gott in Himmel, Mrs. Meyerburg! Mrs. Meyerburg! Kommen Sie herein. Mrs. Meyerburg, for why you didn't let me know?

How goes it then this morning? A good walk, hein?" The sound of many loud rapid kisses followed. "Ha, Fraulein, good!" He became aware of Harz's figure standing in the doorway: "Und der Herr?" Miss Naylor hurriedly explained. "Good! An artist! Kommen Sie herein, I am delight. You will breakfast? I too yes, yes, my dears I too breakfast with you this morning. I have the hunter's appetite."

Was aber das Elend auf den hochsten Gipfel bringt, sind die immer abwechselnden Vorruckungen und Zuruckziehungen beider Armeen, da selbst die, so sich unsre Freunde nennen, beim Abzuge alles mitnehmen und verheeren, und wenn sie wieder kommen, gleich viel wieder herbei geschafft haben wollen. Von Dero Gerechtigkeit, Sire, hoffen wir Hulfe in dieser aussersten Noth.

Peace was delighted with the pantomime method of making herself understood, and imitating his motions, she pointed to the little brown house and beckoned. "Ja, ja," cried the chorus of seven, their faces beaming with pleasure, "wir kommen." And they quickly followed her across the snow to the kitchen door.

His pale features wore a mild and placid expression, evincing that the numberless lacerations and bruises, which were evident through his tom uniform, had been inflicted on a breathless corpse. The stuhl wagen had carried on for a mile farther or so, but the firing seemed to approximate, whereupon our host sung out, "Fahrt Zu, Schwager Wir Kommen nicht weiter."

"Bel, come here!" Twinkles flashed in the eyes of the man when he repeated the order, while his voice grew more imperative as he stretched a lean, wiry hand toward the dog. The animal's eyes gleamed and his sensitive nose quivered, yet he lay quietly. "Belshazzar, kommen Sie hier!" The body of the dog arose on straightened legs and his muzzle dropped in the outstretched palm.

"Please do," said the Girl. The Harvester, with dog to heel, went to the oak to think. "Belshazzar, kommen Sie!" said the man, dropping on the seat and holding out his hand. The dog laid his muzzle in the firm grip. "Bel," said the Harvester, "I am all at sea. One day I think maybe I have a little chance, the next none at all. I had an hour of solid comfort to-day, now I'm in the sweat box again.