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Coming from Norway, an 'avin' perhaps a very limited experience, you mayn't 'ave 'erd it but eddicated people 'ere find it very convenient and expressive. Chick means style, the thing, the go, the fashion. For example, everything your lady wears is chick!" "Really!" said Britta, with a wandering and innocent air. "How funny! It doesn't sound like French, at all, Mr.

If this can be seen it will tone down all that is too uncontrolled and make self-restraint acceptable, and will deal with the conventions of life as with symbols, poor and inarticulate indeed, but profoundly significant, of things as they ought to be. "In die Erd' isi's aufgenommen, Glucklich ist die Form gefullt; Wird's auch schon zu Tage kommen, Dass es Fleiss und Kunst vergilt?

"The key of the note dominant, Brim." Mr. Brimberly stared and felt for his whisker. "Oh, well, just whistle a couple o' bars." "Bars," said Mr. Brimberly, shaking his head, "bars, sir, is things wherewith I do not 'old; bars are the 'aunt of the 'umble 'erd, sir " "No, no, Brim," explained Mr. Stevens, "Jenk merely means you to 'um the air." "Ah, to be sure, now I appre'end!

"What, Vi?" he exclaimed with a lazy wink. "Vi, of the Hopperer-Buff? You've 'erd of 'er surely, Mamzelle? No? Dukes, Lords, an' Royal 'Ighnesses she's the style for 'em! Mag-ni-ficent creetur! all legs and arms! I won't deny but wot I 'ave an admiration for 'er myself I bought a 'arf-crown portrait of 'er quite recently."

Fallows confidentially, and again lowering her voice impressively, "yeh see, 'is leg 'urt most orful at first, an' Benny cried to me, 'It's in me toes, mother, it's in me toes. 'Why, Benny, sez I to 'im, 'yeh hain't got no toes, Benny. 'That's w'ere it 'urts, sez 'e, 'toes or no toes. An' father 'e wakes right up an' 'erd w'at Benny was cryin', an' sez 'e, 'Benny's right enough.

They also, I learned, were cousins. The lean girl said she had "erd on me," and immediately fell into an uncontrollable fit of giggles; of which the watery-eyed Joseph requested me to take no notice, explaining that she always went off like that at exactly three-quarters to the half-hour every evening, Sundays and holidays excepted; that she had taken everything possible for it without effect, and that what he himself advised was that she should have it off.

"When people are bound to disagree, as we have disagreed for years, it is best to avoid conversation." "Zed like the Church all over, Pazon!" chuckled the imperturbable Joltram. "Zeems as if I 'erd the 'Glory be'! But if tha don't want any talk, why does tha coom in 'ere wheer we'se all a-drinkin' steady and talkin' 'arty, an' no quarrellin' nor backbitin' of our neighbours?