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Updated: September 6, 2024

'E's all right, an office man aint much good on the road, weak on 'is pins an' failin' in 'is sight. M'appen the 'arf-crown we've got 'im 'ull 'elp 'im to a ride part o' the way 'e's goin'." "Well, don't you men bother about him any more," said Miss Tranter decisively. "You get off early in the morning, as usual. I'll look after him!"

"What, Vi?" he exclaimed with a lazy wink. "Vi, of the Hopperer-Buff? You've 'erd of 'er surely, Mamzelle? No? Dukes, Lords, an' Royal 'Ighnesses she's the style for 'em! Mag-ni-ficent creetur! all legs and arms! I won't deny but wot I 'ave an admiration for 'er myself I bought a 'arf-crown portrait of 'er quite recently."

An now, Isaac' the hoarse voice began to tremble 'now there's two suverins left, and one 'arf-crown out o' seventy-one pound fower an sixpence seventy-one pound, Isaac! Yo'll get it out on 'er, Isaac, yer will, won't yer? He looked up, imploring. Isaac, after the first violent start, stood absolutely motionless, Saunders observing him.

The only thing that kep' me up was thinking 'ow I'd take it out of 'im when I 'ad the cash." There was a lengthy pause. "Now, you'd 'ardly believe it, but all them three days I never 'ad a chance at the blessed treasure, never got out not even a 'arf-crown. There was always a Somethink always. "'Stonishing thing it isn't thought of more," said Mr. Brisher. "Finding treasure's no great shakes.

"That's right, ain't it?" ses the barmaid, as he stood staring very 'ard at the change. "I ain't sure about that 'arf-crown, now I come to look at it; but it's the one you gave me."

Says he, 'I think I have seen your face before, my man. Very civil; as civil as a orange, as folks say. 'I think you have, I says. 'Could you step up-stairs for a minute or two? says he, very polite; 'I'll find a boy to take charge of your horse. And he slips a arf-crown into my hand, quite pleasant." "So you went in, of course?" said Jack. "Doctors," he answered, solemnly, "I did go in.

'Aye, Saunders, it's mine. Look ye 'ere, Isaac, it's a king's 'ead. It's Willum not Victory. I saved that un up when I wor a lad at Mason's, an look yer, there's my mark in the corner every arf-crown I ever 'ad I marked like that. He held it under Isaac's staring eyes, pointing to the little scratched cross in the corner.

But," said Joe, "they would giv' it me; and one gent, he follered me right up the passage, he did, and sez, 'Ere, you small boy, he sez, and he give me a whole 'arf-crown. Whatever for, I don't know." But I knew that must have been Dr. Loring, a celebrated physician, and my husband's dearest friend. We had told him about Joe's midnight self-teaching, and he had been much interested in the story.

An' now, Isaac," the hoarse voice began to tremble "now there's two suverins left, and one 'arf-crown out o' seventy-one pound fower an' sixpence seventy-one pound, Isaac! Yo'll get it out on 'er, Isaac, yer will, won't yer?" He looked up, imploring. Isaac, after the first violent start, stood absolutely motionless, Saunders observing him.

It's 'ard on us old folks when we're one too many; but the little mouths must be filled, and my son, 'e said 'e didn't see they could keep me on the arf-crown, with another child on the way; so I'm tramping to N-, to the House; but it's a 'ard pinch, leavin' the little ones." I looked at him a typical countryman, with white hair, mild blue eyes, and a rosy, childish, unwrinkled face.

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