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They looked one another in the eyes, just for an instant, and they both nodded. "Cribbage to-night?" asked 'Bias. "If 'tisn't too late," answered Cai. He pulled out his watch, whilst 'Bias turned about to the mantel-shelf and the clock his bulk had been hiding. "Nine-thirty," announced Cai. "Almost to a tick," agreed 'Bias. "'Stonishing what good time we've kept ever since we set this clock."

"Here, Bill!" he called, carrying one to the door. Returning, he blew at the froth on his own pot meditatively. "And the next thing is, I want a house." "A house?" "'Stonishing echo you keep here. . . . Yes, miss, a house. My name's Jope Ben Jope o' the Vesuvius bomb, bo's'un; but paid off at eight this morning.

"'Stonishing," Cai assented. They played two games of cribbage and retired to bed. As he undressed Cai remembered his omission to warn 'Bias explicitly of what according to Mrs Bowldler the parrot was capable. "I'll warn him after breakfast to-morrow," said Cai to himself magnanimously, as he arose from his prayers. "Poor old 'Bias what a good fellow it is, after all!"

"Indeed do I! and got reason to, too! Why, law! the month before Mrs. Merlin, as was Miss Claudia's mother, died. I sperienced the most 'stonishing " "Yes, I know. You told me all about that before, Katie." "Why, so I did, to be sure, sir, when you were lying wounded at the house!" "Yes.

"You're lookin' at my head," pursued the Major, "and I don't wonder. She's been and given me a fringe again. 'Stonishing thing the Feminine Touch is. Let your servant part your hair and knot your necktie, and you simply look a filthy bounder. Your wife does it and you hardly know yourself in the glass, and wonder why they didn't christen you Anna-Maria. Not bad weeds these, by half!

"In a hurry? And what's your hurry about? Business?" "Ye es, sir." "'Stonishing what spirit boys'll put into work nowadays! I've seen boys run for a leg o' mutton, and likewise I've seen 'em run when they've broken ship; but on the path o' duty, my sonny, you've the legs of any boy in my ex-perience. Well, for once, you'll put pleasure first.

It is a wonderful letter, Mr, all written in the pure old Welsh language." "I say, Mr, you are a cute one and know a thing or two. I suppose Welsh was the first language you learnt, like myself?" "No, it wasn't I like to speak the truth never took to either speaking or reading the Welsh language till I was past sixteen." "'Stonishing! but see the force of blood at last.

"Well, I'll wander round the fields for a bit, and thrash it all out. 'Stonishing how clear a fellow's head gets in the open air. Don't you worry, mater I'll beat the whole thing out by myself." He patted the old lady gently on the shoulder, and humming a music-hall ballad cheerfully, started off into the garden. He had only gone a few steps when his mother called to him. He stopped.

"I don't wonder ye laugh, ye didn't see him er doin' it, so ye don't know haow he looked, but I tell ye 'twas a grand sight ter see a young feller so eloquent that nothin' on airth could stop him." "Must 'a been a 'stonishing sight," agreed Mr.

Maynard waiting for them at the hotel, and wondering a little because they were late. "Oh," cried Marjorie, flinging herself into her mother's arms, "we've had a most 'stonishing time! We visited a little circus girl in her own tent, and here's her picture!" Marjorie held up to her mother's amazed view the picture of little Vivian.