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Updated: January 27, 2025

He's a reg'lar baby about sech things an' whines like a sick pup ef he's overlooked in the slightest. Thar now, you Buffo! lawks a mussy, dearie, he's got yuh hand all slobbered up you hont yuah hole! It don't do to giv' 'em too much rope. Ef yuh do they's suah ter run on it an' thar's trouble all raound.

Now in the fur country east of the mountains is a lake where a rock is on the shore, split in two piece, an' the people call that the Split-Stone Lake. Listen, I speak. I tell now how the lake he's got that name. "Wiesacajac, he'll make hont sometime in that country, an' he'll come on a camp where all the men are out honting.

"Ve vill hont an' shot togezzer, mine frond," he said, on making this discovery, "ant I vill show you v'ere de best booterflies are to be fount Oh! sooch a von as I saw to but, excuse me, Van der Kemp. Vy you come here joost now?" "To save you" said the hermit, with a scintillation of his half-pitiful smile.

Suddenly it trembled, swirled, and rushed forward to meet the oncoming dust-cloud as though drawn toward it by the suck of a mighty vortex. "Dat better we gon' for hont de hole. Dat dust sto'm she raise hell." "Hole up, nothin'!" cried the Texan; "How are we goin' to hole up four of us an' five horses, on a pint of water an' three cans of tomatoes? When that storm hits it's goin' to be hot.

The Consul, having scanned him through his green spectacles, drew a large sheet of thin printed paper from his portfolio, with the arms of France placed under a great petticoat at the top, and proceeded to fill up a request from his most Christian Majesty to all the authorities, both civil and military, of France, and also of all the allied "pays," "de laisser librement passer" Monsieur John Jorrocks, Chasseur and member of the Hont de Surrey, and plusieurs other Honts; and also, Monsieur Stubbs, native of Angleterre, going from Boulogne to Paris, and to give them aid and protection, "en cas de besoin," all of which Mr.

"Canned stuff tomatoes are the best for this kind of weather keep you from gettin' thirsty. I've be'n in this country long enough to pretty much know its habits, but I never saw it this hot in June." "She feel lak' dat dam' Yuma bench, but here is only de rattlesnake. We don' got to all de tam hont de pizen boog. Dat ain' no good for git so dam' hot she burn' oop de range.

Fogg, of course, had no hont in the fow deed, boh he would na ha interfered to prevent it if he had bin here, fo' he never scrupled shedding blood. An if he had bin content wi' robbin' yo, squoire, ey wadna ha betrayed him; boh when he proposed to cut your throttle, bekose, os he said, dead men tell neaw teles, ey could howd out nah longer, an resolved to gi' yo warnin."

Only two peoples is left in camp, same like you leave us two peoples here when you go hont. But these two peoples is little, one boy, one girl. The mens an' womens all go hont in the woods and there is no meat in camp at all. The children were not old for hont or for feesh. Their papa an' their mamma say, 'Stay here. So they stay an' wait. They have wait many days.

She don' do no good. Anyhow, A'm hont 'roun' for fin' you. A'm t'ink mebbe-so you better com' 'long wit' me." "Come along with you! What's on yer mind?" Suddenly the man straightened: "Say, look a here, if you're up to helpin' Tex Benton pull off any gag on me, you've picked the wrong hand, see!" The other shook his head vigorously: "Non! Tex, she goin' in de dance-hall.

With a swift motion of the head the man signalled him to follow, and turned abruptly into the deep shadow of an alley that led along the side of the livery bam. Something in the half-breed's manner caused Endicott to obey without hesitation and a moment later the man turned and faced him. "You hont you 'oman?" Endicott nodded impatiently and the half-breed continued: "She gon' ridin' wit Purdy."

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