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But although he had seen Ted Flaggan frequently under the aspect of a British seaman, he had never before seen him in the character of a half-boiled Moor. Besides, having been thoroughly engrossed and lost in the enjoyment of his own bath, he had paid no attention to those around him. "Turn yoos face well to de wall," whispered Rais Ali. "He great hass; hims no see yoo."

"Ah, ha!" he said, "I heard one good reedel ze ozer day. A leetle mees at one of my academies told it me. Young ladies, why is ze old gentlemans, le diable, zat is " "O-oh! Monsieur Parole!" ejaculated Miss Pimpernell. "Your pardon, Mees Peemple," said Monsieur Parole he never could give her the additional syllable to her name "Your pardon, Mees Peemple; but we wiz call hims somesing else.

When he even frames a German sentence in his mind, with the hims and hers in the right places, and then works up his courage to the utterance-point, it is no use the moment he begins to speak his tongue flies the track and all those labored males and females come out as "its." It is a bleak Day.

"Hims got leettle out ob sorts," said the sympathetic Ebony, suggesting a milder state of things. As Orlando did not appear to derive much consolation from the suggestion, Ebony held his tongue for a few minutes. Presently his attention was attracted to a sound in the underwood near them. "Hist! Massa Orley. I hear somet'ing."

She sighed, but her voice was steady as she replied: "Bimeby him come," she said. "'Ess. Bimeby him come." But the boy's agreement lacked conviction. A moment later, with his big eyes turned to the southeast, the way he had seen the expedition set out, he went on: "Boy's Pop didn't come. An-ina said him's do. Boy's Mummy go 'way 'cos Uncle Steve said her does. Uncle Steve hims all goes, too.

"There's a good many hims in the police that's what we call our guards for the street, who take up thieves and bad characters; and, being stolen, they're all of 'em after you; and if they had a notion where you were, they'd be down on you, and back you'd go to wherever you've come from some gallery, I believe, where you wouldn't get away again in a hurry!

"True, lad, force won't do," returned Bounce; "an' yit," he added, knitting his brows, "if nothin' else 'll do, we'll try at least how much force 'll do." After a short pause Bounce resumed, "Wos they tied very tight, Gibault?" "Oui. I see de cords deep in de wrists, an' poor Redhand seem to be ver' moch stunned; he valk as if hims be dronk."

Lots time I see plenty trouble come for girl that say them words for man. Some time plenty happy I think trouble comes most many times. I think Wagalexa Conka he be awful mad. I not like for hims be mad." "Now you make ME mad Ramon what loves yoh! Yoh like for Ramon be mad, perhaps? Always yoh 'fraid Luck Lindsay this, 'fraid Luck that other. Me, I gets damn' sick hear that talk all time.

"It is an ingenious device," said the preacher, throwing his exhausted form on a heap of pine branches which lay in a corner. "Who invented it your husband?" "No; it was Leetil Tim," returned the girl, with a low musical laugh. "Big Tim says hims fadder be great at 'ventions. He 'vent many t'ings. Some's good, some's bad, an' some's funny."

My father drew out his plain gold watch, and I saw the Frenchman's eyes glisten as he stretched out a not very clean hand. But he snatched it back directly. "Mais non but no!" he exclaimed. "I not have hims. We are sailors all. Some day I am in open boat, and you take me in your sheep, and say `Ma foi!