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"And now it's my turn," said the doctor. "Will you keep this, captain, from me?" "Ma foi. Yais, oui," cried the French skipper, whose eyes sparkled with pleasure as the doctor handed him a very bright peculiarly-formed knife. "I keep hims. Vat is ze mattaire vis ze young shipwrecked open boatman?" "Nothing nothing at all," said Bob Chowne hastily; but he had certainly uttered a groan.

It showed itself in every act of his life; it shone in his beaming, good-natured face, and made itself heard in the touching pathos of his voice, when he repeated aloud in his room the prayers of his church, saying to his mother, when she objected that his prayers were made up beforehand: "And for the land's sake, ain't the sams and hims, which are nothing but prayers set to music, made up beforehand?

And then I'd talk about dedicatin' the biggest buildin' in the world, singin' hims on the biggest organ and lettin' a few men into the back door I wouldn't feel so big about it if I wuz you. "Why, we men jest throw such little compliments in the way of females to keep you contented, jest as I throw crumbs from the table to Bruno to home and pat him on the back. He knows he can't come to the table.

"That seems to be the idea of most men who come here," replied the trapper, "but it's not many that favour me with a visit." "Ha! vraiment, dat must be true," interposed the Canadian, "for no body vill com' here 'xcept them as do want hims legs broke."

"Ah, then, think of that now; wouldn't it be a rail hard case for the poor doctors?" said Larry, with a sly glance at Will. Bunco grinned at this, and observed that it was "time for hims be go sleep." Whereupon he rolled his blanket about him and lay down with his feet to the fire. Will Osten also lay down and fell asleep almost immediately.

All sorts of a boy. And he liked the little boy, and the little boy liked him. Didn't he?" "'Ess." "Well, the little chap was alone." "Didn't hims have no An-ina?" "Oh, yes. He had his nurse. But his Pop had gone away, and so had his Mummy. So he was kind of alone. Well, the little boy and Uncle Steve became great friends. Oh, big friends. Ever so big.

But we advanced a little furder as the road led out amongst the trees and pretty soon we come in sight of a large round tent where the meetin' wuz held, and from which we could hear the voice of hims and oratory, along on both sides of the immense tent, so's to leave a road between, wuz rows of small tents where the campers dwelt.

Hims look at de sauvage dat hold him as if him be a lion. I do tink Monsieur Bertram vould fight vell if hims obleeged. "After good deal of consultoration an' disputerin', dey vas about for go avay; so I sit ver' still, but I move my foot von leetle morsil, an' von small leaf fall to de ground. It vas ver' small leaf, but Hawksving him see it. Ah! he be von cliver Injun. Ver' sharp in sight too!

Not a hoof of all shall be lost or left behind. "And him." Christ Jesus, also, by his thus dividing the gift of his Father into hims, and by his speaking of them in the singular number, shows what a particular work shall be wrought in each one, at the time appointed of the Father.

"To be sure, to be sure," Dougal replied, with accents of profound submission; "her pleasure suld be done tat's but reason; but an it were tat is, an it could be thought the same to her to coup the ill-faured loon of ta red-coat Captain, and hims corporal Cramp, and twa three o' the red-coats, into the loch, herself wad do't wi' muckle mair great satisfaction than to hurt ta honest civil shentlemans as were friends to the Gregarach, and came up on the Chiefs assurance, and not to do no treason, as herself could testify."