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In eight years and more Bobby had not been outside the kirkyard gate after the sunset bugle. Mrs. Brown turned pale. "Dinna say the bittie dog's lost, Maister Traill. It wad gang to the heart o' ma gudemon." "Havers, woman, he's no' lost." Mr. Traill spoke stoutly enough. "Just go up to the lodge and tell Mr.

Instantly Bobby was up, tugging at her short little gown and begging to be let out. When she clasped her chubby arms around his neck and tried to comfort him he struggled free and set up a dreadful howling. "Hoots, Bobby, stap yer havers!" shouted the farmer. "Eh, lassie, he'll deave us a'. We'll juist hae to put 'im i' the byre wi' the coos for the nicht," cried the distracted mither.

"Havers!" cried the Shepherd, "I wish I'd been here to see that sight! Angus is that swollen up with pride of position, he's like to burst himself. He needed a bit of a fall to ease him of it, but I'd never have picked out Jean Campbell to trip him up! You're a spirited tid, my dawtie, and I'm proud of you." "But, Father," said Jock, "whatever shall we do about the rabbits?

Then someone turned up another thighbone four feet six or more, and that they called Aepyornis Titan. Then your vastus was found after old Havers died, in his collection, and then a vastissimus turned up." "Winslow was telling me as much," said the man with the scar. "If they get any more Aepyornises, he reckons some scientific swell will go and burst a bloodvessel.

No but my hinny might have been better if he had liked; for mony a bein nook in mony a braw house has been offered to my hinny Willie, if he wad but just bide still and play to the gentles. 'Whisht, woman! whisht! said the blind man, angrily, shaking his locks; 'dinna deave the gentleman wi' your havers.

'It's the first ill thing I ever heard of him. 'You don't think he is to get any of the thirty pounds, do you? ''Deed if I did I should be better pleased, for he has been a good friend to us, but what maddens me is that every penny of it should go to those bare-faced scoundrels. 'What bare-faced scoundrels? 'Them that have the club. 'But all the members have the club between them. 'Havers!

"A searched the toon for them but cudna find them, but as A was sayin' as the secretary has no business tae bring before the meeting but a wheen havers, A move we adjourn tae tomorrow at 12:30 p. m. in this place, and I believe that as Brither Maitland is also a member o' this committee he will second the motion."

"Oh, I was looking for a sailor coming home," said she, "since yon day we went to old Mhari nic Cloidh's, and then the lassies told me Ronald's boy was home and and the night you were at Dan's they brought him here a nice quiet boy and I happened to go into the kitchen when he was there . . . and, Hamish, it is not nice to be unfriends like this, you and me, and I would not be meaning yon I said to you about old wives' havers now," and after that she came and sat beside me, and put an arm round my neck.

Brown lighted his pipe and put on his bonnet to go out again, when he bethought him that Bobby might be needing something to eat. "What'll ye gie 'im, Jeanie? At the laird's, noo, the terriers were aye fed wi' bits o' livers an' cheese an' moor fowls' eggs, an' sic-like, fried." "Havers, Jamie, it's no' releegious to feed a dog better than puir bairns. He'll do fair weel wi' table-scraps."

Sir Edward Grey " Bursts of exclamation greeted the name, and Macalister grinned slightly. "You'll no be likin' him," he said. "An' I can weel understan' it." The questioner went off on a different line. "Haf your soldiers know," he asked, "that the German fleet every day a town of England bombard?" Macalister stared at him. "Havers!" he said abruptly.