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But I'm really quite happy, except that I wanted to see Uncle George to tell him something." "Weel, if yon's the way ye look when ye're quite happy, I wunner how ye'll look when ye're quite meeserable. Havers," said the old woman contemptuously, "somebuddy's been tormentin' ye. Come awa."

As there is no knife handy, my foot will do; I raise my foot, and then she sees that it is bare, she cries to me excitedly to go back to bed lest I catch cold. For though, ever careless of herself, she will wander the house unshod, and tell us not to talk havers when we chide her, the sight of one of us similarly negligent rouses her anxiety at once.

Very early the next morning he was standing before the door of Mr. Traill's place, in the fitful sunshine of clearing skies, when the landlord appeared to begin the business of the day. "Are ye Maister John Traill?" "Havers, Davie! What ails you, man? You know my name as weel as you know your ain." "It's juist a formality o' the law to mak' ye admit yer identity. Here's a bit paper for ye."

I want to know what's going to be done with him right now. We're the only ones that know about this. Are we just going to keep whist, or shall we tell on him?" "Let's tell on him!" shouted Sandy. "Who'll you be telling?" said Jean with some scorn. "Why, the bailie, maybe, or the Auld Laird himself," said Sandy. "Havers!" said Jean. "You're a braw lad to go hobnobbing with the bailie.

"Whisht with your nonsense, Miss Jean; don't be talking of sweethearts to a douce woman like me," said Peggy, who, nevertheless was rather proud of her Australian conquests, and liked to hear them alluded to now and then. "But how did you like the play?" "I cannot say I did. To see folk dressed up and painted, rampaging about and talking havers, just making fools of themselves.

He came to the great hedge and he thrust his way through it, and though the thorns of the brambles scored him deeply and tore threads from his wonderful suit, and though burs and goosegrass and havers caught and clung to him, he did not care. He did not care, for he knew it was all part of the wearing for which he had longed. "I am glad I put on my suit," he said; "I am glad I wore my suit."

"Hannah, as usual, referred to my Maker, and said that had He intended me to have short hair He would either have caused it not to grow or afflicted me with some disease which necessitated shearing; and she added that such havers are just flying in the face of Providence." "So they are." "All the more reason to cover them up, and I wish to impress the children."

Then some one turned up another thigh-bone four feet six or more, and that they called AEpyornis Titan. Then your vastus was found after old Havers died, in his collection, and then a vastissimus turned up." "Winslow was telling me as much," said the man with the scar. "If they get any more AEpyornises, he reckons some scientific swell will go and burst a blood-vessel.

"She will be getting old and thinking droll thoughts, Hamish just old wives' havers, about the crops and the wars that will be coming. . . ." "And the word from the sea, Margaret? Will that be news of a battle maybe?" "I am not sure I was understanding that," said she, looking away. "I am thinking that would be not anything at all," but I could see her hiding a smile.

"But Sarah Emily will make Peter a fine wife, Auntie Jinit," exclaimed Elizabeth loyally. "Aunt Margaret has spared no pains to make her clean and tidy and saving " "Hoots havers! Ah ken yon. But there's nae cleanin' nor scrubbin' nor washin' that'll scour the Eerish oot o' a body, lass, mind ye that. But niver mind her. Ye see, when Wully an' Betsey gets auld ah'll be left on their hands.