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Rube heard him draw a deep breath, as if he were in pain. "Say, what's up?" the boy asked. "You took bad in th' inside?" Instead of answering, Broken Feather turned sharply round. Abe Harum was approaching, followed at some distance by Rube Carter's mother, who carried a basket of food for the workers. The Indian waited coolly, taking out a tobacco bag and a packet of cigarette papers.

Tædet me harum quotidianarum formarum, these pestilential clerk-faces always in one's dish. Oh for a few years between the grave and the desk! they are the same, save that at the latter you are the outside machine. I dare not whisper to myself a pension on this side of absolute incapacitation and infirmity, till years have sucked me dry, Otium cum indignitate. The hope is gone.

Rube's injured leg was still painful, and he had to be helped up the steep trail to Birkenshaw's camp. So Kiddie had not yet visited his wood-land retreat. There was a large party of them at supper. In addition to Abe Harum, Tom Lippincott and Jake Paterson, Sheriff Blagg had dropped in on his way home down the trail from Three Crossings, where he had been to look at a bunch of horses.

Harum emitted a gurgling chuckle, yawned his quid out of his mouth, tossing it over his shoulder in the general direction of the waste basket, and bit off the end of a cigar which he found by slapping his waistcoat pockets.

Harum, "I'm apt to speak in par'bles sometimes. I guess you'll git along after a spell, though it mayn't set fust rate on your stomech till you git used to the diet. Say," he said after a moment, "if you'd had a couple o' thousan' more, do you think you'd 'a' stuck to the law bus'nis?" "I'm sure I don't know," replied John, "but I am inclined to think not.

The wide loop opened like a wheel, grew suddenly tense and smaller. Then it dropped clean over Broken Feather's head and shoulders, and in an instant the chief's two arms were pinioned to his sides. It was some five hours later when Gideon Birkenshaw, Abe Harum, and Isa Blagg returned to the camp at Sweetwater Bridge.

An' that sniper hidden in the bush yonder must ha' picked off quite a dozen of the Injuns. I'm hopin' he'll show up, now, an' let us know who he is." "Meantime," interposed Abe Harum, "what's goin' ter happen 'bout our ponies? You can't afford ter lose that Arab mare, Gid. A valuable beast, anyhow, let alone her being a present from Kiddie."

It's a handy thing to have in the house," declared Mr. Harum, "an' I thought mebbe it wouldn't be a bad thing fer you to have a little. It looks cheap to me," he added, "an' mebbe bime-by what you don't eat you c'n sell." "Well," said John, laughing, "you see me at table every day and know what my appetite is like. How much pork do you think I could take care of?"

Harum's face was straight to the front, and betrayed nothing. "It wouldn't be no more 'n natural," he went on, "an' mebbe it would be best for ye. You're too good a man to spend all your days workin' fer Dave Harum, an' I've had it in my mind fer some time somethin' like that pork deal to make you a little independent in case anythin' should happen, an' gen'ally.

'David Harum' and 'The History of Ancient Greece'-that's all I think. And oh, yes I got a French dictionary on my way home this afternoon." "Oh! A French dictionary!" commented father. "It isn't books, Horace," remarked Aunt Nettie, incomprehensibly. "It's that O'Neill girl." "What's that O'Neill girl?" demanded Missy, in a low, suppressed voice. "Well, if you ask me, her head's full of "