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"No use listenin'. You couldn't hear it in that sand not till he gits to the gate. I don't see where Lone goes to, all the time. Where's Jim and Sorry, then?" "Oh, they've had their supper and gone to the bunk-house. Do you want them?" "No! What'd I want 'em fur? Not to look at, that's sure. I want to know how things is going on this ranch.

I's safe from dem head-hunters! Yo' can't scare me dat way. I's gwine after some of dem gold images, I is, an' ef I gits some I'll build de finest stable Boomerang ever saw, an' he kin hab oats fo' times a day. Dat's what I's gwine t' do. Now look out ob mah way, Mr. Damon, ef yo' pleases.

"I'm afraid that I have observed that poor fellow." "He is a goot man, sir, is Tonalson a fery goot man when he iss sober, but he hes got no power to resist the tram. An' whiles he goes on the spree, an' then he gits wild wi' D.T. you know, sir.

All, all was food for my 2 poetic sole. I went below to breakfast, but vittles had lost their charms. "Take sum of this," said the Capting, shovin a bottle tords my plate. "It's whisky. A few quarts allers sets me right when my stummick gits out of order. It's a excellent tonic!" I declined the seductive flooid. Thursdy.

"This thing lays betwixt me an' you," went on the low-pitched but implacable voice from the bed, "but ef I ever gits up again you're goin' ter wisht ter God in Heaven ... hit war jest only ther penitenshery threatenin' ye." Again Rowlett's anger blazed, and his self-control slipped its leash.

I reckon dey don't keer who buys it so long as dey gits de money. Well, John didn't gib in at fust; didn't want to let on his wife knowed more dan he did, an' dat he war ruled ober by a woman. Yer know he is an' ole Firginian, an' some ob dem ole Firginians do so lub to rule a woman.

Men what can't take better care o' boys oughtn't to be allowed to have charge of 'em. But the Government gits all sorts o' damn fools for $13 a month." Si was so delighted at getting Pete back unhurt that he did not have the heart to reply to the engineer's gibes. ALL healthy boys have a strong tincture of the savage in them.

Douglas found the teamster a pleasant working companion, who loaded the hay on the wagon. "How is Si feelin' now?" he enquired. "Oh, I guess he's all right. He had a nasty fall and might have been killed." "H'm, that old cuss won't die that way. It would be too easy a death. If he doesn't bust when he gits in one of them mad fits of his, he'll be skinned alive by somebody one of these days.

"He's Macbeth," said Mopsey, in explanation, and anxious to show that he had only done his duty in thus making Dickey so uncomfortable. "That's pretty near the way Macbeth always gits hisself up." "Poor man!" said Mrs. Green, sympathizingly, "it must have been terrible hard for him, an' he couldn't had a great deal of comfort with his arms."

"I'm afeerd 'bout all these fixin's you won't never be satisfied agin in Lonesome Cove." "Why, dad," she said reprovingly. "Jack says I can go over whenever I please, as soon as the weather gits warmer and the roads gits good." "I don't know," said the old man, still shaking his head. All through dinner she was worried.