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It took the whole of my time to keep these forty-odd infants fed, clothed, and washed, and I had no leisure to write to you even at "scattered times." It seemed to me that the appetites of these enfants terribles grew abnormally, that their clothes rent asunder with lightning-like rapidity, and that they fell into mud heaps with even greater facility than usual.

It means a nursemaid, eh! Were there children in the family?" Delle Josephine dropped her ribbon and threw up her hands. "Mon Dieu! les enfants! Mais oui, Monsieur, they were nine children! There was Maamselle Louise and Maamselle Angelique with the tempaire of the diable himself oui Monsieur, and Francois and Rene and l'petite Catherine, and the rest I forget Monsieur.

"They stand very stiff, and I trust that they have not been struck so." "Nay, they are training their left arms, that they may have a steady grasp of the bow. So my own father trained me, and six days a week I held out his walking-staff till my arm was heavy as lead. Hola, mes enfants! how long will you hold out?" "Until the sun is over the great lime-tree, good master," the elder answered.

Moralement, je n'ai jamais ete plus fort, plus dispose a la lutte; et puis ces jours de fatigue arrivent et m'accablent, et je souffre dix fois plus qu'un paresseux s'y resignerait. "Beaucoup de baisers aux enfants, et beaucoup pour toi, petite femme trop cherie. Je n'ose penser combien ce serait gentil si tu etais ici aupres de moi."

When she achieved the blue ribbon of the Enfants de Marie, for which she had worked with true devotion, it added poignancy to her pious pleasure to think that one false step in her secret life would have marred her overt life. There she found a letter which she could not read till bread-and-chocolate time, but which then took the flavour out of these refreshments.

She would flout a star-covered general, box the ears of a brilliant aid, send killing missiles of slang at a dandy of a regiment de famille, and refuse point-blank a Russian grand duke; but to "mes enfants," as she was given to calling the rough tigers and grisly veterans of the Army of Africa, Cigarette was never capricious; however mischievously she would rally, or contemptuously would rate them, when they deserved it.

"La religion," said the latter, on one occasion, "est une bonne et belle chose pour les femmes, les enfants et les imbeciles," but in spite of their antagonism in this respect, they worked together with a devotion which was beyond praise amongst their poor.

Sous un habit de mezzetin Ce gros brun au riant visage Sur la guitarre avec sa main Fait un aimable badinage. Par les doux accords de sa voix Enfants d'une bouche vermeille Du beau sexe tant

For some keen-witted artist had painted a great salon picture of, not a young paladin, but a fat old soldier, eighteen stone, on his huge charger, with shaking red cheeks and blazing eyes, standing in his stirrups, bursting out of his tight tunic, and roaring to his enfants to follow him to their death.

Yet Les Enfants d'Edouard thrilled me to a different tune, and I couldn't doubt that the long-drawn odd face of the elder prince, sad and sore and sick, with his wide crimped side-locks of fair hair and his violet legs marked by the Garter and dangling from the bed, was a reconstitution of far-off history of the subtlest and most "last word" modern or psychologic kind.