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Puerto Caballo, July 26th, 1861. Sir, I have the honour to inform your Excellency of my arrival at this port in this ship, under my command, and with the prize schooner Abby Bradford, captured by me about seventy miles to the northward and eastward.

"As if I would take a burro when one stroke gives me a caballo grande," he muttered, and pushed still further out to where the four horses were "lariated" near the timber. A word to "Gregg" whom he had often cared for; a gleam of his knife from the sheath and the gallant horse was free to follow him. Still in silence and stealth he led him back toward the camp-fire where the saddles were piled.

Over there was the Plaza del Caballo where the principal mosque was a big white building and a lot of those Moor lunatics went there, all washed and barefoot, to pay respects to that fake of a Mahomet. You could even see the little tower of the place from the boat. Well, at certain times of the day, a fellow in a turban got up there and waved his arms and shouted like a crazy man.

VECINA. Soy la Nicolasa, señora ... la mujer del guarda de a caballo ... que vive en ese otro cuarto ... ya se ve ... su señoría no se acordará de ... porque nunca me ha visto ... o por mejor decir nunca me ha mirado a la cara, cuando me ha encontrado al subir o bajar del coche ... aunque yo saludo siempre ... pero doña Manuela la doncella me conoce muy bien ... y le habrá hablado de a su señoría ... toma si le habrá hablado muchas veces ... como que por ella me tomó su señoría el otro día aquella pieza de batista.

"The horse which you offered for a prize, Don Andres, I will claim," Jack went on, when he could be heard and he did not wait long, for short-lived indeed is the applause given to an alien. "And I will ride him as soon as you desire." "Yes! Let us see him ride that caballo!" cried the fickle mass of humanity.

"But if you'll run in, chica , and throw a pot of coffee together while I attend to the caballo , I'll be a good deal obliged." Besides his marksmanship the Kid had another attribute for which he admired himself greatly. He was muy caballero , as the Mexicans express it, where the ladies were concerned. For them he had always gentle words and consideration.

"My hope was that I might arrive before Manuel" he caught a flicker of wrath in the eyes of the don at the name and smiled inwardly "but the moonlight played tricks upon the trail, and my caballo tripped upon a willow-branch and fell upon his head so that his neck was twisted.

That was only a Fourth of "But right there I abbreviated. It seemed to me it might be best. "'After the terrible struggle, says the bay man, 'President Bolano was forced to fly. To-day Caballo is President by proclamation. Ah, yes. Beneath the new administration I am the head of the Department of Mercantile Concessions.

"I'd let you ride my horse and take Meigs's old skate myself," I said to Brower, "but when you first get on him this bronc of mine is a rip-humming tail twister. Ain't he, Meigs?" "He's a bad caballo," corroborated Meigs. "Does he buck?" queried Brower, indifferently. "Every known fashion. Bites, scratches, gouges, and paws. Want to try him?" "I got a headache," replied Brower, grouchily.

"He is a devil that white caballo!" cried a chagrined voice from among the vaqueros crowding the ropes so that they bulged inward. "Hah! devil or no, they will go down, those two white ones! Saw you the look of José as he passed? He has been playing with them for the sport of the people. Look you! I have gold on that third throw. The next time it is as José chooses "