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"Mak haste, sirs," cried the paralytic hag from the cottage, "and let us do what is needfu', and say what is fitting; for, if the dead corpse binna straughted, it will girn and thraw, and that will fear the best o' us." Ravenswood was now out of hearing.

Though he wore the usual dress of the Englishman of his day frock, knee breeches and buckle shoes, none of them in their first youth there was a something outlandish about him, in the bright yellow of his neckcloth and the red feather stuck at a jaunty angle into the ribbon of his hat; and Tummus, as he looked curiously after his strange passenger, shook his head and bit the straw in his mouth, and muttered: "Ay, it binna on'y the nose, 't binna on'y the nose, with his Jehus an' such."

I 'unna stay if you dunna! Reddin laughed, and in his eyes a glow began; nothing could have so suited his mood. 'You've got to wear 'em, he said, 'to show you're mine. 'I binna! 'Yes. 'I won't never be! 'Yes, you will, now. She raved at him like a little wild-cat, pulling at the bracelets like a kitten at its neck ribbon. He laughed again, stilly.

"Hoot, man! tak yer tongue i' yer teeth; it'll be mair to the purpose," cried the laird laughing, for he had got over his ill humour already. "My life i' my han', quo' he!-Man, I haena carriet a dirk this mony a day! I laid it aff wi' the kilt." "Weel, it micht be the better 'at ye hadna, gien ye binna gaein hame afore nicht, for I saw some cairds o' the ro'd the day.

"Guid farbid!" cried the old woman from the bed. "Kenna ye wha's the prence o' 't, laddie? Makna a jeist o' the pooers 'at be." "Gien they binna ordeent o' God, what are they but a jeist?" returned Cosmo.

You ought to have been abed long ago." "Ay, sure, Measter Desmond; but I be goin' to see squire," said the old man, apparently with some hesitation. "That's odd. So am I. We may as well walk together, then for fear of the ghosts, eh, Dickon?" "I binna afeard o' ghosts, not I. True, 'tis odd I be goin' to see squire. I feel it so.

Only gin the mistress speirs onything aboot it, what am I to say? 'Bide till she speirs. Auld Spunkie says, "Ready-made answers are aye to seek." 'I'll luik and see. Wadna ye like it het up? 'Ow ay, gin ye binna lang aboot it. Suddenly a bell rang, shrill and peremptory, right above Shargar's head, causing in him a responsive increase of trembling. 'Haud oot o' my gait.

I tell ye, Jeanie Deans, I am a man of few words, but I am laird at hame, as well as in the field; deil a brute or body about my house but I can manage when I like, except Rory Bean, my powny; but I can seldom be at the plague, an it binna when my bluid's up."

The man's language grew more and more violent as the minutes passed and still I did not reappear, until, having consumed as much time as I thought becoming, I went to the doorway, and said, in the manner of stating a simple fact of no importance, "Key binna hangin' on nail, measter. The nail be proper plaace for it: can ya tell me where to look?"

"What wad ye hae me du, than, mem?" "Du? Wha said ye was to du onything? The best duin whiles is to bide still. "Gien I binna to du onything, I maist wiss I hadna kent," said Malcolm, whose honourable nature writhed under the imputed vileness. "It's aye better to ken in what licht ye stan' wi' ither fowk.