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But to Ezra, Ben, and Professor Young she had told the truth. The weakness of the squatter as he sat on the floor, panting for breath, aroused Tessibel's sympathy, and she proffered him a cup of little Dan's milk. "Drink it," she commanded, "and then scoot to yer mammy. And and ye needn't say as how I air a-carin' for another woman's brat, will ye, Ezy?"

Lysander collected his wandering glance and fixed it upon one of the pale-green barley-fields. "It's about there, I reckon. Of course the old woman'll kick; but if the Colonel has laid out to do it he'll do it, kickin' or no kickin'. If he can't buy her out or trade her out, he'll freeze her out. Well, well, I ain't a-carin'; she can do as she pleases."

Would you like to come?" "Gee," returned the urchin, "I'll say I would." "Do you think your mother would be willing for you to go?" "Lord, yes ma, she ain't a-carin' where we kids are jest so's we ain't under her feet when she's a-workin'." "And could you find Maggie, do you think? Perhaps she would enjoy the ride, too." Bobby lifted up his voice in a shrill yell, "Mag! Oh oh Mag!"

"You may go now, but remember you'll be takin' Andy's place some day, a-carin' for the little wans." The idea of taking Andy's place, even at so indefinite a period as sometime, quite took the edge off his mother's rebuke, and Jim went stepping off with great importance. "Jim!" she called again, and the boy came back. "That's a terrible swagger you've got on you, Jim. Walk natural.

I I sure ain't a-foolin' myself none, not ary bit, a-thinkin' you-all could ever git ter likin' sich as me; but, I can't help sort of dreamin' 'bout hit an' a-pretendin', an' an' all the while I'm a-knowin', inside er me like, that there ain't nobody, not Auntie Sue, nor this here Betty Jo, nor that there other woman, nor anybody, what kin care for you like I'm a-carin', they just naturally couldn't care like me; 'cause 'cause, you see, sir, I ain't got nobody else, ain't no man but you ever even been decent ter me.

And this time she turned quite away and went on down the street, leaving Susan by the gate alone. "Nice girl, an' a mighty pretty one, too," whispered Susan, looking after the trim little figure in its scarlet cap and sweater. "An' she's got a good kind heart in her, too, a-carin' like that about that poor boy's bein' " Susan stopped short.

An' he b'lieved he could double the water right by tunnelin'." "Why don't he tunnel away, then? Nobody's a-carin'," demanded the old woman shrilly. "That's what I told 'im; and he 'lowed, of course, he wasn't a-goin' to put money into another feller's water right.

That was while you was gone; you didn't hear 'bout it." "Killed him and took his horse? Surely, he must have had some good reason, Ananias." "I don' know, and I ain't a-carin'. That's him, and that's what he done." "Did you ever hear of him killing anybody else?" "Oh, plenty, plenty," said the old man with easy generosity. "I bet he's killed a hun'ed men maybe mo'n a hun'ed."

"I were a-goin' to lie then," she went on slowly. "He air a-carin', but but " She dashed a loose curl from her eyes, and flung herself headlong upon the bed, with a burst of sobs that drew Young quickly to her. "Tessibel Skinner, you love Frederick Graves?" Tess straightened, and looked at him fearfully. "Yep, I air a-lovin' him," she wailed. "And he doesn't love you?" "He be a-lovin' me, too."

An' I 'lowed it was, what there was of it; an' so was the boulders good, for boulders, the trouble was in the mixin'. 'Don't talk to me about your "decomposed granite," says I: 'it's the granite what ain't decomposed that bothers me. But pshaw!" and Lysander dropped his voice hopelessly, "he ain't a-carin'. I'd about as soon work the boulders as try to work him; he's harder'n any boulder on the ranch."