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Ez far as my opinion goes, gen'l'men," continued Bill, with greater blandness and apparent cordiality, "I wanter simply remark, in a keerless, offhand gin'ral way, that ef I ketch any God-forsaken, lop-eared, chuckle-headed blatherin' idjet airin' HIS opinion" "One moment, Bill," interposed Judge Thompson with a grave smile; "let me explain.

"You fellers must have a high opinion of your own judgment, when you choosed Mr. Haley to teach this school. Did ye hire a nincompoop, I wanter know? Why! if he'd wanted ever so much ter steal them coins, he'd hafter been a fule ter done it in this way." "There's sense in what ye say, Jason," admitted Mr. Crawford. "I sh'd hope so! But there ain't sense in what you fellers have done for a fac!

"You are sure that you said nothing?" "Yas'r, Ah is suttinly shuah dat Ah made no communication whatsoeber regardin' de events of de perceedin' night, sah. Ah was suttin dat young Mistah Smith would keep his wo'd abo 't de extra remuneration, sah, an' Ah didn't wanter prejudice de situation, sah." "Oh, I see," laughed Dick. "Then Dr.

Dar's dat moon again!" cried Wash, suddenly. "No; it's the earth in sight," returned his youthful companion. "The mist is being dissipated, just as the professor said. Let's go out and look about." "We done wanter be mighty careful walkin' on dis ice," admonished the darkey. "It jest as slippery as it kin be."

"I reckon on account of the purty shadows down in the brush, and the soft light, eh? and all that?" he continued, with a playful manner but a serious accession of color. "Why, the woods belong to us. It's mar's property!" broke in Eunice with a flash of teeth. "Well, Lordy, I wanter know!" said Mr. Bowers, in some astonishment. "Why, that's right in my line, too!

Thet's why we tied up ter the shore below town, in the mouth o' thet crick, an' then hed ter hoof it up yere in the dark. Of course we got the law with us, but we wanter pull this job off an' not stir up no fight see?" "Sure," disgustedly. "I reckon I know all that; I heerd the Jedge tell yer how we wus ter do the job.

"I s'pose ye think ye can do all ye wanter to me, jest because I've been doin' my stretch?" demanded Tip, aggressively. "But don't be too sure. Take yer hand offen my shoulder!" Dave didn't show any sign of immediate intention of complying. "Take it off!" insisted Tip. But Dave met the fellow's baleful gaze with a cool, steady look.

"Down my way, in Illinois, thar used to be a spring thet turned things to stone. This gal gives 'em a jacket of silver." After Thorn had kicked and rolled and yelled a little of the joy out of his system, he started to take a drink of the water, but Jim stopped him with: "Taste her if you wanter, but she's one of them min'rul springs which leaves a nasty smack behind."

"Huh! what's good grammar?" demanded the boy, so earnest that he interrupted the teacher. "That won't make ye a civil engineer and that's what I'm goin' ter be." "A proper use of English will help even in that calling in life," said the schoolmaster. "But seriously, I have no intention of running away." "Ye don't wanter be idle," Mr. Day said. "I'll find something to do, I fancy.

"I wish it was night," she said. "I hate Christmas afternoon! Mother is asleep; it's too early for callers. I believe I'll go down to the Cabbage Patch." Aunt Chloe stuck out her lip and rolled her eyes in deprecation. "Don' you do it, honey. What you wanter be foolin' 'round wif dat po' white trash fer? Why don' you set heah by de fiah an' bleach yer han's fer de party to-might?"