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As they were going to start, a footman met Nekhludoff in the ante-room, and handed him a note from Mariette: Pour vous faire plaisir, f'ai agi tout a fait contre mes principes et j'ai intercede aupres de mon mari pour votre protegee. Il se trouve que cette personne pout etre relaxee immediatement. Mon mari a ecrit au commandant. Venez donc disinterestedly. Je vous attends.

"It's nothin' now but Frinch an' a Frinch masther. Wait till yez hear me at it." She hastened to the hall and cried out, "Oui, oui, Madame," with a murmured aside to the priest, "It's all I know." "Venez en haut, Judy," said the voice. "Oui, oui, Madame," answered Judy.

"Vous venez nous sauver" the same question I had heard on the lips of the workman in the night. "I hope so, madame," I replied, and would have added, "We come also to save ourselves." She looked at me with sad, questioning eyes, and I knew that for her and alas for many like her we were too late.

Je regrette infiniment aussi que les evenements politiques vous aient empeche de venir a Paris, comme vous vous le proposiez. Je suis obligee de partir pour Varsovie, et crains de vous manquer si vous venez bientot ici. C'est chez lui que je laisse en depot ce que nous avons rassemble jusqu'ici. It would seem from the following note that Lord Macaulay had spoken to Reeve of Dr.

"A truce with fooling, Barclay," muttered Peregrine. "Come, come, remember faint heart no lowering your crest, more than enough to bring that devilish sparkle in the eyes, and turn of the neck!" "Sir," said Anne rising, "Monsieur de Pilpignon is an old neighbour, and understands how to respect his most unwilling guest. I wish you a good-night, gentlemen. Guennik, venez ici, je vous prie."

Lise, Lise! venez ici: there's an interior in the manner of Teniers, see: all is in disorder, higgledy-piggledy, a table with a bust upon it, a hand, a palette; and the dust, look how well the dust is painted! c'est charmant! And there is another canvass, a woman washing her face quelle jolie figure! Oh, and there's a mujík! Lise, Lise! a mujík in a Russian shirt! look, do look a mujík!

Ange and Edouard Moreau, both good fellows. They've made their mass and they know the country from here to Ungava. There's Marc now Venez ici, Marc St. Ange." A swarthy, lithe Montagnais was coming down the road, and Holliday addressed him rapidly in habitan French: "This gentleman wishes to go up river to the forks to see the big cache. Will you go with him?"

Then he sped away to the southeast and, crossing the channel, passed between Amiens and Rouen and reached Paris before ten o'clock. Near the outskirts of the city appeared a high tower, upon the flat roof of which a man was engaged in adjusting a telescope. Upon seeing Rob, who was passing at no great distance from this tower, the man cried out: "APPROCHEZ! VENEZ ICI!"

Effendi! Venez ici, s'il vous plait. Please come here." I could have been knocked flat by a blow of the smallest, cheapest ostrich feather in the hands of any street-merchant. For he came. Anthony came! Not to look meekly up from the pavement below the railing, but to ascend the steps of the terrace, and advance with grave dignity toward our table.

Venez donc voir," said the Phoenix; and then Robert earned the undying respect of everybody by suddenly saying, very loudly and distinctly 'Say vray, mossoo; venny dong vwaw.