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"Howsomever," remarked Willis, "all the mariners in the French fleet could not convince me that the Pyrenean mountains are only a hundred years old." "My brother is only speaking metaphorically," said Fritz; "when the crown of Spain was assigned to the Duke of Anjou, his grandfather said Qu il n'y avait plus de Pyrénées.

"Ah, madame" Jeanne pointed to the mourning "you do not come to tell me he is dead?" Peggy smiled. "No. I hope not." "Ah!" Jeanne sighed in relief, "I thought " "This is for my husband," said Peggy quietly. "Ah, madame! je demande bien pardon. J'ai vous faire de la peine. Je n'y pensais pas " Jeanne was in great distress. Peggy smiled again. "Widows dress differently in England and France."

Je voudrais embrasser votre cuisinier c'est un artiste comme il n'y a pas?" "Ve," replied Mrs Turnbull. The first course was removed; and the second, after some delay, made its appearance. In the interim, Mr Mortimer handed round one or two varieties of wine. "Drummond, will you take a glass of wine with me?" said Mr Turnbull. "I hate your sour French wines. Will you take Madeira?

Le plaisir de faire du bien a ceux qui souffrent est tel, que l'on voudrait s'en donner, et le critique est souvent tente de manger de ce sucre-la. "Je ne regrette pas de m'etre etabli a Kew; il n'y a qu'une chose contre Kew, c'est que je n'y connais personne, tandis qu'a St. John's Wood j'ai plusieurs amis.

Chilly happened to be passing along the corridor, just as Duquesnel was talking to me and encouraging me. Chilly pointed to me and remarked: "Une flute pour les gens du monde, il n'y a meme pas de mie."

"Bravo, mon vieux gaillard!" cried Captain de Hamal. "Your sentiments are the same as mine, with a very trifling difference. You believe women to be angels I know them to be devils mas il n'y agu'un pas entre es deux? We will not quarrel over a word a votre sante, mon cher!" And he drained his glass, nodding to Mancini, who followed his example.

Success, in a greater or lesser degree, always follows patient industry at the Antipodes; it can scarcely be said to do so in Britain. "Now, Il n'y a que le premier pas qui coûte, and the worst time you will have is at the first; also, it is only for the start that you need advice, after you become 'colonized' you can look out for yourselves.

You cannot educate a man wholly out of the superstitious fears which were early implanted in his imagination; no matter how utterly his reason may reject them, he will still feel as the famous woman did about ghosts, Je n'y crois pas, mais je les crains, "I don't believe in them, but I am afraid of them, nevertheless."

"Il n'y a rien dans l'histoire du monde de comparable aux forces navales de l'Angleterre,

And, at the moment, he drew his sheath-knife and made a pretended plunge at Dunn's breast, causing him to send forth a pitiful yell, and retreat to the wharf with quicker movements than he ever thought himself capable of. "Il n'y a pas grand mal cela," said the Frenchman, laughing at Dunn as he stood upon the capsill of the wharf. "Bad luck to ye, a pretty mess a murderous Frinchmin that ye are.