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"Look a here, boys. Derned ef Jabez ain't a comin long with the res' on us. Wal, Jabez, I swow, I never callated ez I sh'd be a fightin long side o' ye. Misry makes strange bedfellers, though." "It's you ez hez changed sides, not me," responded the Tory. "I wuz allers agin the state, an naow ye've come over tew my side." Abner scratched his head. "I swan, it doos look so.

The mill-owner, in fact, did not get any farther than the edge of the porch before he wheeled again. "The affair which I have to discuss with you is of a private nature, Mr. Bass," he said. "So I callated," said Jethro. "You may have the place to yourselves, gentlemen," Wetherell put in uneasily, and then Mr.

"Where have ye been, Perez, all the time? I callated ye must be in jail, somewheres, like all the rest of the soldiers." "I had no money to get home with. But how came you here, Reub? Who put you here?" "Twas Deacon Nash done it. I tried to start a farm arter the war, and got in debt to Deacon for seed and stock, and there wasn't no crop, and the hard times come.

Guess they'll all have to git their wimmen-folks to press their clothes to-morrow. Then Duncan wanted to git out again, but 'twan't exactly convenient. Callated he was suffocatin' seemed to need air. Little mite limp when he broke loose, Duncan was." The Honorable Peleg stopped again, as if he were overcome by the recollection of Mr. Duncan's plight. "Er er Peleg!" Mr. Hartington started.

And I'm not a bit surprised that that woman didn't get the better of you." "You hain't a-goin'!" he exclaimed. "Why, I callated " "Good-by," she said quickly; "I'm glad to see that you are doing so well." She raised her head and looked at Austen in a curious, inscrutable way. "Good-by, Mr. Vane," she said; "I I hope Mr. Blodgett has recovered."

"It ain't so bad as it might be with sech folks as her and you araound," admitted Mr. Meader. "I'd almost agree to get run over again. She was askin' about you, and that's a fact, and I didn't slander you, neither. But I never callated to comprehend wimmen-folks." "Now, Mr. Meader," said Victoria, reprovingly, but there were little creases about her eyes, "don't be a fraud."

"We callated we'd wait and see what steps you'd like taken," said the trembling townsman. "Steps! Steps! Good God! What kind of man are you to serve in such a place when you allow the professed ward of Jethro Bass of Jethro Bass, the most notoriously depraved man in this state, to teach the children of this town. Steps! How soon can you call your committee together?" "Right away," answered Mr.

But his tears did not choke his utterance. "Great Tecumseh!" said Cousin Ephraim, "so you've went and done it, Cynthy. Siege got a little mite too hot. I callated she'd capitulate in the end, but she held out uncommon long." "That she did," exclaimed Bob, feelingly. "I I was tellin' Bob I hain't got nothin' against him," continued Ephraim.

He looked from Reuben to Perez, whose face as he gazed absently at the coals on the hearth still wore the smile which had attracted his attention. This seemed to decide him, for as he turned again to Reub, he said, shrewdly: "Yew can't fool me with no gum-game o' that sort. I guess Perez wouldn't be grinnin that ar way ef he callated we wuz gonter be all chawed up afore mornin."

He'll get the order, or I'll give up this place I've had for twenty years. Hopper 'callated' to get it, and another small one pitched in. And you'd die laughing, Lige, to hear how he did it." "Some slickness, I'll gamble," grunted Captain Lige. "Well, I reckon 'twas slick," said the Colonel, thoughtfully. "You know old man Wright hates a solicitor like poison. He has his notions.