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Sally wuz nigh 'bout well, an' 'llowed she'd be ready ter go ter wuk de nex' week; when one mo'nin' I tuk the basket an' went down ter pick some corn. Jest ez I'd got de basket nigh 'bout full, who should start up dar, outen de bushes, on'y jes Marse Hooper; an' he sez, mighty brisk-like, 'So? I 'llowed I'd cotch yer 'fore I got fru! Stealin' corn, is yer?

The Servian Anthology has been collected by Dr Wuk Stephanovich, the author of several works on national topics; and there are several living poets, among whom, Milutinovich, already mentioned, is reputed facile princeps.

"Foh Gawd, Ole Cap'n, I sutn'ly is glad to fine you. I wish you'd jes show me how to wuk this gun. I'se gwine to fight right side o' you you heah me." "Go back, Bob," said Crittenden, firmly. "Silence in the ranks," roared a Lieutenant. Bob hesitated. Just then a company of the Tenth Cavalry filed down the road as they were deployed to the right.

Where is my child?" "Dey went over ter see Mis' Butler 'long 'bout two o'clock, befo' dis fuss broke out, suh. Oh, Lawdy, Lawdy, suh! Is all de cullud folks be'n killt 'cep'n' me an' you, suh? Fer de Lawd's sake, suh, you won' let 'em kill me, will you, suh? I'll wuk fer you fer nuthin', suh, all my bawn days, ef you'll save my life, suh!" "Calm yourself, Sally.

But bimeby he got so he couldn' stan' it no longer, en he'd hide hisse'f in de bushes w'eneber he seed anybody comin', en alluz kep' hisse'f shet up in his cabin atter he come in fum wuk.

De good Lawd bless you, lady, an' Miste' Brice," said the old negress. "Well, Nancy?" Nancy pressed into the room. "Mis' Brice!" "Yes?" "Ain' you gwineter' low Hester an' me to wuk fo' you?" "Indeed I should be glad to, Nancy. But we are boarding." "Yassm, yassm," said Nancy, and relapsed into awkward silence. Then again, "Mis' Brice!" "Yes, Nancy?"

"Well?" he said in the low, kindly tone he used in speaking to her. "I foun' Lucy Thomas, Mistuh Bristow," she said, breathless and indignant. "She is sho' one sorry nigger. She wuz drunk layin' out in de parluh uv dat little house uv her'n. Dead drunk." "Did you wake her up, Mattie?" "Yas, suh; but she ain' fit to come do no wuk.

"Dey wuk on twel bimeby de butter tas'e so good dat ole Brer Rabbit want some mo'. Den he raise up his head, he did, en holler out: "'Heyo! Hol' on! I'm a comin'! en off he put. "Dis time he stay right smart w'ile, en w'en he git back Brer Fox ax him whar he bin. "'I been ter see my ole 'oman, en she's a sinkin', sezee.

He went out when those two men came and " At that moment, from the garden at the side of the library, the sound of voices in dispute could be heard. "Now yo' all g'wan 'way from yeah!" exclaimed some one who could be none other than Eradicate Sampson. "Whut fo' yo' all want to clutter up dish yeah place fo'? Massa Tom said I was to do de garden wuk, an' I'se gwine to do it! G'wan 'way, Giant!"

Frank stood looking after Mis' Molly as she picked her way across the street, until he was recalled to his duty by a sharp word from his father. "'Ten' ter yo' wuk, boy, 'ten' ter yo' wuk. You 're wastin' yo' time wastin' yo' time!" Yes, he was wasting his time. The beautiful young girl across the street could never be anything to him.