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They was flat. And miste." Governor and commander are interchangeable terms with Phil, expressive of the same respect and deference and applicable to nobody but Mr. George. "I was born in the country, Phil." "Was you indeed, commander?" "Yes. And bred there."

As the novelist finished speaking, Yee Kee appeared in the doorway. "They come big automobile. Whole lot people. Misse Taine, Miste' Lutlidge, sick man, whole lot I come tell you." The artist spoke quickly, "Stop them in the house, Kee; I'll be right in," and the Chinaman vanished. At Yee Kee's announcement, Myra Willard's face went white, and she gave a low cry.

De good Lawd bless you, lady, an' Miste' Brice," said the old negress. "Well, Nancy?" Nancy pressed into the room. "Mis' Brice!" "Yes?" "Ain' you gwineter' low Hester an' me to wuk fo' you?" "Indeed I should be glad to, Nancy. But we are boarding." "Yassm, yassm," said Nancy, and relapsed into awkward silence. Then again, "Mis' Brice!" "Yes, Nancy?"

De good Lawd bless you, lady, an' Miste' Brice," said the old negress. "Well, Nancy?" Nancy pressed into the room. "Mis' Brice!" "Yes?" "Ain' you gwineter' low Hester an' me to wuk fo' you?" "Indeed I should be glad to, Nancy. But we are boarding." "Yassm, yassm," said Nancy, and relapsed into awkward silence. Then again, "Mis' Brice!" "Yes, Nancy?"

Dog Cza', him all time gone, too; him no like lagtime all same Miste' Laglange. Ha! I go, too," and he, in turn, vanished. "You are early, to-day," said Aaron King, as he escorted Mrs. Taine to the studio.

De good Lawd bless you, lady, an' Miste' Brice," said the old negress. "Well, Nancy?" Nancy pressed into the room. "Mis' Brice!" "Yes?" "Ain' you gwineter' low Hester an' me to wuk fo' you?" "Indeed I should be glad to, Nancy. But we are boarding." "Yassm, yassm," said Nancy, and relapsed into awkward silence. Then again, "Mis' Brice!" "Yes, Nancy?"

For when the weather was cleare and without fogge, then commonly the winde was contrary. And when it was eyther Easterly or Southerly, which would serue their turnes, then had they so great a fogge and darke miste therewith, that eyther they could not discerne way thorow the yce, or els the yce lay so thicke together, that it was impossible for them to passe.

The Chinaman carried a flag and both were marching in rhythmic step, which taxed the long legs of Po Lun severely by way of repression. "Where in the world are you two going?" Alice laughed. "We go public meeting, Missee," said Po Lun. "We hea' all same Miste' Stah King pleach-em 'bout Ablaham Lincoln." "Hurrah!" cried Benito with enthusiasm. "Let's go with them, Alice."