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"Monsieur la trouve bien séduisante apparemment" said the stranger, in a low, rapid voice, to the gentleman, in a manner which showed a mingling of pique and admiration.

All's well that ends well, and here we are once more in Srinagar, after a trip which has been really delightful, albeit the weather latterly has not been by any means all that could have been desired, and we have slain no bears! Commonly called the "Jungly-sahib." Can it be that Bernier was right? "Il ne s'y trouve ni serpens, ni tigres, ni ours, ni lions, si ce n'est très rarement."

And with the lights burning on its breast, as Sissy saw them in her half-waking visions, the express rushed southward across the level blackness of the land, beneath the arch of midnight sky. Quand on a trouvé ce qu'on cherchait, on n'a pas le temps de le dire: il faut mourir.

Nothing is simpler. And when I ask him which will be the best Moment, the one that goes, or the one that comes he says that I am making the coming Moment for myself 'which is so satisfactory' he adds with that bright smile of his, 'because of course you will make it pleasant! 'Il faut que tout homme trouve pour lui meme une possibilite particuliere de vie superieure dans l'humble et inevitable realite quotidienne. I do not find the 'possibilite particuliere' but this man assures me it is because I do not trouble to look for it.

MANSORIO.-Pour to dire le vrai, tiens: Dioggne en vain Cherehait jadis un homme, une lanterne a la main, Eh bien, a Paris ce matin Il l'eut trouve dans la lanterne." "Good, good!" cried the listeners, "the emperor is indeed a wonderful " Just then the bell for the curtain was heard, and the crowd pressed into the parterre. Amid the profoundest stillness the opera began.

The purchasers of these medals were also presented with a card, of which the following is a verbatim transcript, capitals, italics, and all: 'Quiconque, portant une médaille miraculeuse, recite avec piété cette invocation, se trouve placé sous la protection spéciale de la Mère de Dieu; c'est une promesse de Marie Elle Même.

It was the song Courant had sung, and as he heard it he lifted up his voice at the head of the train, and the two strains blending, the old French chanson swept out over the barren land: "A la claire fontaine! M'en allant promener J'ai trouvé l'eau si belle Que je me suis baigné!" Susan waved a beckoning hand to the voyageur, then turned to Lucy and said joyously: "What fun to have Zavier!

«Après avoir passé Vassen, on trouve cinq ou six superbes cascades formées par la Reuss. Elle fait un bruit

The one stream of poetry which is continually flowing is slang. Every day a nameless poet weaves some fairy tracery of popular language. It may be said that the fashionable world talks slang as much as the democratic; this is true, and it strongly supports the view under consideration. Nothing is more startling than the contrast between the heavy, formal, lifeless slang of the man-about-town and the light, living, and flexible slang of the coster. The talk of the upper strata of the educated classes is about the most shapeless, aimless, and hopeless literary product that the world has ever seen. Clearly in this, again, the upper classes have degenerated. We have ample evidence that the old leaders of feudal war could speak on occasion with a certain natural symbolism and eloquence that they had not gained from books. When Cyrano de Bergerac, in Rostand's play, throws doubts on the reality of Christian's dulness and lack of culture, the latter replies: 'Bah! on trouve des mots quand on monte

Mr Pater can join hands with Gautier in saying je trouve la terre aussi belle que le ciel, et je pense que la correction de la forme est la vertu. And I too join issue; I too love the great pagan world, its bloodshed, its slaves, its injustice, its loathing of all that is feeble.