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'Pears like 'twas cuttin' a big field fur to take Miss Catten an' de white lamb too. Ah! Miss Em'ly, dis harves' ob years is a gwine on troo all de seasons; hope dis ole nigger'll be ready when de Lord comes roun' fur him."

One ob dem leads straight to hell, de odder go right to damnation. Joe opened his eyes under the impressive eloquence and visions of an awful future, and exclaimed, 'Josh, take which road you please; I go troo de wood. 'I am not disposed to take any new trouble, said the President, 'just at this time, and shall neither go for Spain nor the negro in this matter, but shall take to the woods."

Hi! but we uns had ter git out sud'n dough dis mawnin'." "Does you tink de Linkum men git druv off agin?" "How you talks! Aun' Suke. Hi! Druv off! Why, de ridge des black wid um anuff ter eat Mad Whately en all he men alibe. Dey des ridin' troo de kintry freein' we uns."

This bein' troo, onder present exigences what for a scheme would it be for me to get an outfit of books, day-books, week-books, ledgers, an' the rest of the layout, an' let this yere maiden keep 'em a whole lot? I throws this out as a su'gestion. "'I ain't meanin' nothin' ag'inst Burns's su'gestion, says Texas Thompson, 'but in my opinion this camp ain't ripe for keepin' books as yet.

Porter's keen eye caught sight of this; and, turning to one of the negroes who had taken refuge on the gunboat, he asked what it was. "It's nuffin' but willows, sah," he replied. "When de water's out of de bayou, den we cuts de willows to make baskets with. You kin go troo dat like a eel." Satisfied with this explanation, the admiral ordered the tug which led the column to go ahead.

He signed himself "your troo lover, Cyrus Brisk" and added in a postcript that he couldn't eat or sleep for thinking of her. "Are you going to answer it?" asked Dan. "Certainly not," said Cecily with dignity. "Cyrus Brisk wants to be kicked," growled Felix, who never seemed to be any particular friend of Willy Fraser's either.

"'Which I'm a public benefactor, says Boggs, when he's informed that he's done froze this Ryder out of camp, 'an' if you sports a'preciates me at my troo valyoo, you-all would proffer me some sech memento inebby as a silver tea-set. Me makin' this Ryder vamos is the greatest public improvement Wolfville's experienced since the lynchin' of Far Creek Stanton.

I'se yeard w'at hap'n w'en de Yanks go troo de kentry like an ol bull in a crock'ry sto'." In his duties of waiting on the troopers and clearing the table he had opportunities of purloining a goodly portion of the viands, for he remembered that he also had assumed the role of host with a very meagre larder to draw upon.

I ain't afraid of Jennie; she's a kind, troo he'pmeet; but ever since that onfortunate entanglement with the English towerist lady her suspicions sets up nervous in their blankets at the mere mention of frivolities wherein she hears my name. I asks you, tharfore, not to go sayin' things to feed her doubts. With Tucson Jennie, my first business is to live down my past.

You invite us to come into a non-partisan deal see? and den you springs your own platform on us in de joint corkus and we won't stand it! Dis goes troo de way it began, or we don't play see?" Out of all this Wallace deduced his own feeling that continued peace and good-will lay in keeping clear of all doctrinal debates and disputes the love of Christ, the desire to do good and to be clean.