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But now I am old and am married, the water runs troo, Do that, and you have got sunthin' worth lookin' at, quite pictures-quee, as Sister Sall used to say. And because why? You have got sunthin' nateral.

Troo, thar's moments when the air nacherally fills up with bullets like they're a passel of swallow-birds, an' they hums an' sings their merry madrigals. However, these busy seasons don't set in so often nor last so long but peaceful folks has ample chance to breathe. "'Never does I b'ar witness to as many as seven contemporaneous remainders but once; and then thar's cause.

Anoder splitted right down fro' de helmet, so as one half fall on one side, an' de odour half fall " "Come now, Quashy," interrupted Lawrence, with a laugh, "you exaggerate." "What! you call dat exaggerate, massa? Den Conrad exaggerate about ten more afore he cut his way troo an' 'scaped to de hills. Oh, he's an awrful man!"

Mornin', noon, an' night dey swill leetle cups ob coffee. Das de reason dey's all so brown." "Indeed? I never heard before that the brown-ness of their complexion was owing to that. Are you sure?" "Oh yes; kite sure. Coffee comes troo de skin das it," returned Sally, with perfect confidence of tone and manner. Suddenly she was smitten with a new idea, and stared for some time at her fellow-slave.

But now I am old and am married, the water runs troo, Do that, and you have got sunthin' worth lookin' at, quite pictures-quee, as Sister Sall used to say. And because why? You have got sunthin' nateral.

"'Thar's a letter on him we finds later, which shows this statement about my passenger bein' his sister is troo; an' that she's p'intin' out when downed, now they's orphans which the letter states their father's jest cashed in to come an' keep house for him.

I have associated Elizabeth with the Spanish Armady. She's mixed up with it at the Surry Theatre, where "Troo to the Core" is bein acted, and in which a full bally core is introjooced on board the Spanish Admiral's ship, givin the audiens the idee that he intends openin a moosic-hall in Plymouth the moment he conkers that town.

Why didn't Ken finish ther job in thu fust place and be done with it! Now it'll come between 'em an' like as not she won't hav' him on account of it. Ther Lawd do move in myster'ous ways fer a fac'! An' they do say thet ther trail o' troo love is rough an' crooked. An' them sech a well-matched span, too!"

An' it's allers sim'lar; I never yet holds better than ace-high when the stake's a lady. "It's troo," he continued, reflectively puffing his pipe. "I was disp'sitioned for a wife that a-way when I'm a colt. But that's a long time ago; I ain't in line for no sech gymnastics no more; my years is 'way ag'in it. "You've got to ketch folks young to marry 'em.

But, I do b'lieve myself, dat part of it means dat Zeppa hims git on an island, anyhow." "If my dear father got upon anything, it must have been an island," said Orlando sadly. "That's troo," remarked Mrs Waroonga. "Keep your mouth shut, my da'lin'." She referred to her brown baby, which she placed with some violence on her knee.