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She swarmed at me an' fetch me one kick, she did, an' sent me slap troo a pannel ob de loft door, an' tumbled me down de back stair, whar I felled over de edge an' landed on de top ob a tar barrel w'ich my head run into. I got on my legs, I did, wiv difficulty, an' runned away never a bit de worse not even a headache only it was tree months afore I got dat tar rightly out o' my wool.

"Go in for it, Rollin, it's not deep, I think," said Victor. "Troo, but it may be dangeroose for all dat," replied the half-breed, leaning his gun against a tree. "Howsomewhatever I vill try!" The place turned out, as he had suspected, to be somewhat treacherous, with a floating bottom. Before he had waded half way to the dead bird the ground began to sink under him.

It was so stormy dat I couldn't go den, so I start vair early dis mornin'. I'm goin' troo de woods for short cut." "Did you hear how Gilbert Blythe was this morning?" Anne's desperation drove her to the question. Even the worst would be more endurable than this hideous suspense. "He's better," said Pacifique. "He got de turn las' night. De doctor say he'll be all right now dis soon while.

I hear all you say, an' I see him troo der crack here, an' he stant out there a long time looking back in here. So I half to wait an' you go nappin' an' I still wait. I wait to say, hurry, but don't go oop nor down der creek trail. I do anything for Miss Shirley, an' I like you for takin' care off her goot name; goot names iss hardt to get back if dey gets avay. Hurry."

"Well, dat be all same only a litil bit more ogly," retorted Bunco, with a grin, "an' me no want to lose sight ob Doctor Os'n here: me come for to show him how to go troo de forest."

"We want no guarantee," interrupted John Flett, "and we have spare horses enough in the camp to mount you without giving up our own; so make your mind easy." "Zat is troo," said Herr Winklemann; "ve has goot horse to spare; buff'lo-runners every von. Bot you mus' stay vid us von day for run ze buff'lo an' git supply of meat."

"And who, nevertheless, is not Lafitte," insisted Père Jerome. "Daz troo, Jean," said Doctor Varrillat. "We hall know daz troo." Père Jerome leaned forward over the board and spoke, with an air of secrecy, in French. "You have heard of the ship which came into port here last Monday. You have heard that she was boarded by pirates, and that the captain of the ship himself drove them off."

"Come, I say, Vic," said Ian, roused by this from a comfortable nap, "if you were a hyena there might be some excuse for you, but being only a man forgive me, a boy you ought to have more sense than to disturb your friends so." "Oui, yes; dat is troo. Vraiment, it is too bad," growled Rollin, sitting up and stretching himself. "Howsomewhatever, it is time to rise. Oui!"

To all of which the negro listened with a face so utterly devoid of expression of any kind that his old master and playmate could not tell how he took it. "And now," he asked in conclusion, "what say you to all that?" "Stick to you troo t'ick and t'in," repeated Quashy, in a tone of what might be styled sulky firmness. "But," said Lawrence, "I can't pay you any wages."

The seaman accidentally touched Ebony on the elbow as he spoke, and sent that worthy's heart, or something like it, into his throat with such violence as nearly to choke him. "Git along, massa," he said in a gaspy whisper, when able to articulate, "we's got to go troo wid it now."