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"'Is she for troo so lovely? asks Faro Nell, who's been hangin' onto Enright's words. "'Frankly, Nellie, says Enright, sort o' pinchin' down his bluff; 'now that I'm ca'mer an' my blood is cool, this yere Polly don't seem so plumb prismatic. Still, I must say, she's plenty radiant. "'Does you-all, says Dan Boggs, 'put this yere Polly in nom'nation to be your wife while you're quiled up sick?

"Cherokee argues ag'in it; but Nell stamps 'round an' starts to weep some, an' at that, like every other troo gent, he gives in abject. "'Thar's a bet I overlooks, observes Cherokee, when he resoomes his talk with this Holliday; 'it's my partner.

In the evening Hugues returned with various acquisitions, among them being a sword for me, and a long rope ladder, both obtained at Troo. We awaited the fall of night, then set out. I upon my horse, Hugues riding one of his and leading the other. We went by obscure lanes, crossed the river, gained the forest, and lingered in its shades till the church clock of Montoire struck eleven.

Troo, as I confesses to you frequent yeretofore, I ain't married none myse'f; still, I've been livin' a likely number of years, an' has nacherally witnessed a whole lot touchin' other gents an' their wives; an' sech experiences is bound to breed concloosions.

He too fur off; but a friend ob mine was near, an' he say dat Conrad swing de long sword so quick, an' de sun was shinin' so clar, dat it look like a circle ob fire all round him. Down dey hoed on ebery side. Off goed a head here, an arm dere. One trooper cut troo at de waist, an' fall'd off, but de legs stick on.

It has cut for itself a furrow in the chalk tufa, and the hospitable cliffs on each side offer a home to any vagrant who cares to scratch for himself a hole in the friable face, wherein to shelter his head. Troo bears a certain resemblance to the city of Og. Originally it was all underground, but in process of time it effervesced, bubbled out of its holes, and is now but half troglodyte.

"Vat is dat you zay?" demanded the big German, who was divesting himself of some of the accoutrements of the chase. "I say that you tumbled over six buffaloes and then tumbled over yourself," said Victor, laughing. "Zat is not troo. It vas mine horse vat tombled. Of course I could not go on riding upon noting after mine horse vas down."

Byers's alcoholic susceptibility, and hastened his descent from the passionate heights of intoxication to the maudlin stage whither he was drifting. The fire of his red eyes became filmed and dim, an equal moisture gathered in his throat as he pressed Abner's hand with drunken fervor. "Thash so! your thinking o' me an' Mish Byersh is like troo fr'en'," he said thickly.

What do I care for her father, you fool?" "Das troo, massa; but don't you t'ink dat p'r'aps she'd be likely to try for find her fadder; an' if she find 'im she'd be likely to remain wid her fadder? An' so all dat we'd hab to do would be to find her fadder too.