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"Nothing like it," answered Jack. "When was it written?" "The second day after Ida's arrival," replied Peg, unhesitatingly. "If that is the case," returned Jack, not knowing what to think, "it must have miscarried." "That is a pity. How anxious you all must have felt!" remarked Peg, sympathizingly. "It seemed as if half the family were gone. But how long does Ida's mother mean to keep her?"

With benumbed hands and feet, he watched by the light of the night-lamp every breath the boy drew, often gazing at him as anxiously and sympathizingly, as if he were his own child. When Ulrich at last awoke, he timidly asked when he was, and when the jester had soothed him, begged for a bit of bread, he was so hungry.

She looked sympathizingly at them for several minutes, imagining their enjoyment of the rich grass. 'Yes like those sheep, she said aloud; and her face reddened with surprise at a discovery she made that very instant. The flock consisted of some ninety or a hundred young stock ewes: the surface of their fleece was as rounded and even as a cushion, and white as milk.

Only himself and his wife were with her, except Madame Vine, in her bonnet, who had been dispatched by somebody with a bottle of smelling salts. Barbara knelt at her mamma's feet; Mr. Carlyle leaned over her, her hands held sympathizingly in his. Madame Vine would have escaped, but the key was gone. "Oh, Archibald, tell me the truth.

"You sent that ruffin, Tom Swiggs, up for me to-day?" "Lord bless you, yes gave him two months for contemplation. Get well starved at fifteen cents a day " "Sorry for the fellow," interrupts the old hostess, sympathizingly. "That's what comes a drinkin' bad liquor. Tom used to be a first-rate friend of this house spent heaps of money, and we all liked him so. Tried hard to make a man of Tom.

"I will not trouble you with a connected history of my first love, my boyish love, you may perhaps call it. Suffice it to say, that on the revelation of that love, it was answered by its object warmly and sympathizingly.

"O, Hannah, what did you do last night?" "I staid somewhere, under some pine trees," replied Hannah, with a shudder, "and I kept hearing things O Ann!" Ann hugged her sympathizingly. "I guess I wouldn't have slept much if I had known," said she. "O Hannah, you haven't had anything to eat! ain't you starved?" Hannah laughed faintly.

She seemed to doubt her own sanity, and incessantly passed her hand across her forehead, thickly beaded with cold sweat. "What a night!" she murmured. "What a night!" "I must remind you, Madame," said the priest, sympathizingly, but firmly, "that reason and duty alike forbid you thus to yield to despair! Wife, where is your energy?

"Ah, this is really a sad and pressing affair!" exclaimed the queen, sympathizingly, "but are there no heiresses among the nobility, whose fortunes might save you?" "None, your majesty, who like Mademoiselle Orguelin would bring me a fortune of three millions." "Three millions! That is a great deal, and I can now perfectly well understand why you are compelled to marry this Orguelin.

"My dear fellow," said Andrews, sympathizingly, as they continued their ride, "I am afraid you are feverish; you probably imagined you saw something, and you are superstitious about the matter because I did not see it. Tell me what it was." By this time they had passed some distance beyond the spot where Drysdale had seen the apparition, and he began to recover his strength somewhat.