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"Yes," said Lucinda, and there was an echo in her monosyllable like an expletive. Sylvia nodded sympathizingly. "Some of them write for the papers, I suppose?" said she. "Some of them. I know it's my bread-and-butter to have them, but I never saw such a parcel of folks. Talk about eyes in the backs of heads, they're all eyes and all ears.

That night he composed a letter which he sent me by Charlotte early the next morning. "Why, Charlotte, what nonsense is this?" "I expect," she answered sympathizingly, "that it is an offer of his hand and heart." "Don't mention it, Charlotte." "Never while I have breath." In an hour she told Phoebe, who told Alice, who told Charles, and there it ended. It was an offer, as Charlotte predicted.

"I am very sorry," said Mrs. Douglas, with a troubled look. "Oh! you need not fear anything further, mother mia" said Malcom, sympathizingly. "Barbara will never show any more feeling. She would not have done it for herself, only for Betty. Under the circumstances she just had to fire her independence-gun, that is all. Now there will be perfect peace on her side. You know her.

Thank God for being privileged to witness such a death; it makes life far more easy." A little weariness had crept perceptibly into the brave voice of the minister as he said these last words. His wife laid her hand sympathizingly on his. They sat silent for a few moments, then he spoke on a different subject, "How is baby to-night, Lottie?" "Better, I think; his tooth is through at last.

"Well, I don't know," said Harrington, sympathizingly. Mr. Severne remarked, "Such an occurrence puts pleasure out of one's head." This he said, with his eyes on his plate, like one repeating a lesson. "Vizard, I entreat you," said Uxmoor, almost vexed. "It will only make me more unhappy if you don't." "We will go," cried Zoe, earnestly; "we promise to go. What does it matter?

Dowager up in the Square having the same devil's luck with her man as Molly Elliott down in the Alley has with hers. I wonder if you're all alike. No, for there's the Bishop. He had taken her hand sympathizingly, forgivingly, but his silence made me curious. I knew he wouldn't let the old lady believe for a moment I was luny, if once he could be sure himself that I wasn't.

She arrived there only time enough to see the train move away; and there, standing on the platform, looking at her with a sort of triumphant satisfaction, was the man with the keen grey eyes. "Stop! stop!" cried she. "Too late, miss," said a bystander, sympathizingly; "just too late no other train for three hours." "Three hours!" said Lizzie, despairingly; "three hours!

The door opened, and Moxlow came into the room. At sight of him, Langham's dull eyes grew brilliant. "I thought you would never get here!" he said. "This is too bad, Marsh!" said his law partner sympathizingly, as Evelyn yielded him her place and withdrew to the window again. "Where's Taylor?" asked Langham abruptly.

I declare emphatically that no symptoms of sexual suffering, no matter how feelingly described or cunningly insinuated, should ever lead a physician to prescribe for a young man that fatal remedy, illicit intercourse. Medically as a physician, morally as a Christian, and sympathizingly as a fellow being, I record a solemn protest against such false treatment.

I can find only one incident to show that Foster ever went to hear his own songs sung in public. He was essentially a solitary, who, while keenly observant of and entering sympathizingly into the facts of life, held himself aloof from immediate contact with its crowded stream. He was solitary from sensitivity, not from bitterness or indifference.