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He greeted him kindly, and pulled a chair close, so that David might sit beside him. He listened sympathizingly to his cares, and looked mournfully into the unhappy face so dear to him; then he took his bank-book and wrote out a check for double the amount asked. The young man was astonished; the tears sprang to his eyes, and he said, "Uncle, this is very good of you.

This offer may bring me a fortune in money and position, but that is not the fortune I want. 'Fortune' for me, means happiness." Sabina had not lost a word of this sad story. "Yes, yes, I understand you, Veronica," she said sympathizingly. "I know something of this too. Judith told you the truth, but only one half the truth.

How deeply I felt, at this time, my own nothingness; how all, all, had come from him. Rantzau knew what an interesting day this was to me. After dinner the king and the queen wished me happiness, and that so graciously, is a poor word, so cordially, so sympathizingly! The king wished me happiness in that which I had endured and won.

Goldmark and became confidentially closeted with her in a little parlour behind her establishment which she kept sacred to herself. Mrs. Goldmark, who had quick eyes, noticed that Melky was wearing his best clothes, and a new silk hat, and new gloves, and had put his feet into patent-leather boots which she secretly and sympathizingly felt to be at least a size too small for him.

It was the little Maltese choir boy, Hannibal Melas, who owed so much to her recommendation. He asked sympathizingly what troubled her and, after Barbara had confided to him what she had hitherto vainly desired, he referred her unasked to his omnipotent master, who was to enter King Philip's service, and proposed that she should come to his office early the next morning.

Walraven turned to the baronet sympathizingly. "I feel as deeply mystified and distressed about this matter as even you can do, my dear Sir Roger; but you perceive there is nothing for it but to wait. Oleander was right this evening when he said the rules that measure other women fail with Mollie. She is an original, and we must be content to bide her time.

I asked sympathizingly. "A hat!" he scornfully exclaimed. "My hat's loose in the cab somewhere, if it came at all; but all my beetles are in here, pinned to the sides. Would you mind taking it on your knee, to be safe?" "Have you got a pin?" Jack asked me. "I'll see," said I; "what for?" "To touch up Neddy with. We're going home a rattler."

"I hope I shall; though, if you think there is more chance of success in making the hunt alone, I'll do the same." Hank was silent a moment, as if considering the matter, but he quickly added: "Come along. But how about breakfast?" "I haven't the least appetite." "I thought so by your looks," he said, sympathizingly. "I'm blamed sorry fur you, and hope your appetite will soon come back to you."

I owe every thing to Ned, and he pets and indulges me to the greatest extent. Besides, he is so good, noble, and true, that any woman might be proud to be his wife." "Yes: I admit every word of it; but all that doesn't explain your tears," returned Ella, half sympathizingly, half teasingly.

"I have been very ill, lately," Alfred Graham replied, in a mournful tone; former thoughts and feelings rushing back upon him in consequence of this unexpected interview, and quite subduing him. "I am really sorry to hear it," the young man said, sympathizingly. "What has been the matter?" "A slow fever. This is the first time I have been out for weeks." "A ride, then, will be of use to you.