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Nothing could be more sympathizingly kind than the way in which aunt Miriam brought Fleda closer to her side, and wrapped her in her arms. "I am very foolish," Fleda whispered. "I am very wrong I shall get over it." "I am afraid, dear Fleda," Mrs.

"Die Kleine is irritated about something," he remarked. "I don't wonder," said Hannah sympathizingly. "I always remember when it's too late to do any differently. She felt left out, I suppose, and you know you do use a terrible amount of slang, nowadays. I'm awfully ashamed of us, Karl!" Karl pondered a moment. Then he said: "I'll fix it up all right. Here, you take this note up to Frieda.

She even managed the uncle when the nephew failed she was a shrewd little brat small and tense as wire, with big brown eyes and hair that was sometimes golden and sometimes a dry Titian red, according to her choice. Once, when she left him for two days, Garron threatened to kill himself. "Pauvre gosse!" she said sympathizingly on her return and embraced him back to sanity.

"He's Macbeth," said Mopsey, in explanation, and anxious to show that he had only done his duty in thus making Dickey so uncomfortable. "That's pretty near the way Macbeth always gits hisself up." "Poor man!" said Mrs. Green, sympathizingly, "it must have been terrible hard for him, an' he couldn't had a great deal of comfort with his arms."

I haven't got as much as you boys, though." "Shouldn't think you would have," said Gus sympathizingly. "You don't earn so much, and yet you pay ma as much, and don't take out nuthin' fer your noon meal. And you give Co things." "I've earned quite a bit," replied Amarilly cheerfully. "Besides what Mr.

The emperor laid his hand sympathizingly upon his shoulder. "Do not despair, dear child," said he, tenderly; "perhaps all is not lost, and I may be able to assist you. I can comprehend the nature of your sorrow, for I have suffered the same bitter disappointment.

"This is my first one too," replied Henrica, "but I know now what it is to be compelled to submit to everything we don't like, and feel with two-fold keenness everything that is repulsive. It is better to die than suffer." "Your aunt is dead," said Maria sympathizingly. "She died early this morning. We had little in common save the tie of blood." "Are your parents no longer living?"

'What does this mean? he asked gently, bending on his ward one of his keen looks from under the thick eyebrows. She answered without looking at him, 'It means what is says, sir. 'What is the matter, my dear? came more sympathizingly than Mr. Falkirk's wont. It was even a little low and tender. 'Why, Mr. Falkirk it is such an unreasonable request, that you should be so keen after reasons?

"Thank you," politely answered Frank, "but I am afraid we are out of the race." He hastily explained the loss of the lever and the old man shook his head sympathizingly. He examined the aeroplane carefully but was unable to suggest a substitute for the missing lever. "If you had been able to race, I had some advice for you," he said.

"No, dear," said her mother, sympathizingly, "I don't like it either. You and I will choose the pictures we are to look at long. There are many of Tintoretto's that you will enjoy, I know, many from which you can learn about the artist, as well as from such as these." "We cannot doubt the dramatic power of Tintoretto, can we?" asked Mr. Sumner, with a suppressed twinkle of the eye.