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Updated: January 15, 2025
Once this or the other course is taken, the spinstress does not change it, even after incidents that sometimes occur to disturb the progress of the work. It may happen that a Gnat gets caught in the part already woven. The Spider thereupon abruptly interrupts her labours, hastens up to the prey, binds it and then returns to where she stopped and continues the spiral in the same order as before.
Marija goes on the warpath straight off, without even the preliminary of a good cursing, and when she is pulled off it is with the coat collars of two villains in her hands. Fortunately, the policeman is disposed to be reasonable, and so it is not Marija who is flung out of the place. All this interrupts the music for not more than a minute or two.
At the twentieth stanza, at last, Itchoua interrupts them to make them rest and he orders more cider. "How have you learned?" asked Ramuntcho of the Iragola brothers. "How did the knack come to you?" "Oh!" replies Marcos, "it is a family trait, as you must know.
"I hope he did not put them on," interrupts the young theologian, for it is he who accompanies Tom. "Avast! I'll come to that. He said he'd only charge me five dollars for going to jail without 'em, so rather than have me calling damaged, I giv him it. It was only a trifle. 'Now, Jack, says the fellow, as we went along, in a friendly sort of way, 'just let us pop in and see the justice.
Ordinarily she is reading when I enter; she puts down her book to serve me as one might put down a knife and fork; it must often happen that she interrupts herself in the middle of a word. She gets as far as: "'Jean ki then I enter. 'Maryland, I murmur, receive my packet, and pay. 'Madame! I raise my hat and depart.
Thou lovest and prizest virtues in him, The which thyself didst plant, thyself unfold. Who interrupts us now at this late hour? It is the governor. He brings the keys Of the citadel. 'Tis midnight. Leave me, sister! COUNTESS. Oh, 'tis so hard to me this night to leave thee; A boding fear possesses me! WALLENSTEIN. Fear! Wherefore?
"Not when she comes and interrupts the quiet execution of our laws by threats of blowing us and our city and our citizens to instant destruction!" "She would never have done it. I don't suppose that big gun is even loaded." "The more contemptible is her position. She threatens us with a lie in her mouth." "I know nothing about it, sir.
Marmaduke Diggle talks of the Golden East; and our hero interrupts an interview, and dreams dreams. Sore from his flogging, Desmond, when he slept at last, slept heavily. Richard Burke was a stickler for early rising, and admitted no excuses.
Then follows the self-accusation of sins, in the order of the ten commandments, or the Decalogue, and the other five of the Roman Catholic Church. The priest frequently interrupts this self-accusation with leading questions concerning the most minute particulars of the act which is the subject of accusation.
"I shall probably have to direct my observations altogether to you, Captain," continued Barbican; "friend Michael interrupts me so often that I'm afraid he can hardly understand my remarks." "I always admired your candor, Barbican," said Ardan; "it's a noble quality, a grand quality!"
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