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Updated: August 4, 2024

I wuz on a kar one day and mules run'd 'way en de ole red mule got loose frum de kar en run'd ober a mile 'fore dey ketched him en dey brot 'im ba'k en de kar' pas' on. I members de ole L & N Railroad on de East side. W'en my folks wud ride de train dey had 'ter hold me tite or I wuld git 'way frum dem en run en hide 'hind sum logs. I wuz scar'et ter ride on de kars."

"We war cowed down from the beginnin'," said Uncle Daniel, "but dese young folks ain't comin' up dat way." "No," said Salters, "fer one night arter some ob our pore people had been killed, an' some ob our women had run'd away 'bout seventeen miles, my gran'son, looking me squar in de face, said: 'Ain't you got five fingers?

She run'd off an' got married, but wen she got down she war too spunkey to axe her pa for anything. Wen you war wid her, yer know she only took big bugs. But wen de war com'd 'roun' it tore her all ter pieces, an' now she's as pore as Job's turkey. I feel's right sorry fer her. Well, Robby, things is turned 'roun' mighty quare. Ole Mistus war up den, an' I war down; now, she's down, an' I'se up.

"Uncle Bob," said Dumps, thoughtfully, "s'posin' they wuz some little girls l-o-n-g time ergo what stole ernuther little girl outn the winder, an' then run'd erway, an' waded in er ditch, what they Mammy never would let 'em; efn er jay bird would see 'em, would he tell the deb'l nuthin erbout it?"

Sentry Number Six said he'd mind the team while the driver went in, and the next thing he knew "they'd run'd away, hell for leather," and he, their driver, had to follow two miles to Flint's Ranch, close to town, where he "might have taken a nip or two more." It was his first offense and Foster forgave.

Now, if your mother is really in hospital, I'll come back here and bundle you out, an' sell the furniture to pay my rent. I ain't a-goin' to be done out o' my money because your mother chooses to git run'd over." The landlord did not wait for a reply, but went out and slammed the door. Jack followed him in silent horror.

Ole Miss is in de parlor prayin' for de Secesh to gain de day, and we's prayin' in de cabins and kitchens for de Yankees to get de bes' ob it. But wasn't Miss Nancy glad wen dem Yankees run'd away at Bull's Run. It was nuffin but Bull's Run an' run away Yankees. How she did larff and skip 'bout de house. An' den me thinks to myself you'd better not holler till you gits out ob de woods.

Taking them into her mistress, the master being present, she said, "Missus, that'll I do wid dese ole close Tom lef, when he get mad an' run'd off to spite me; now I'll burn 'em up or giv' 'em to de pigs for nes', I ain't gwine to hav' 'em in my way any longer." "Oh, don't burn 'em up, can't you send 'im word to come and get 'em?"

"Wot a green 'un!" muttered Tommy, as he gazed at the tiger in blue through a volume of tobacco smoke. "What's the matter, boy?" inquired Bax, in some surprise. "Anything wrong at Redwharf Lane?" "Ye-es that's to say, not exactly, only I've run'd away." "You han't run far, then," said Bax, smiling. "How long is't since you ran away?" "Just ten minutes."

Boo! hoo! hoo!" yelled the black atom in reply, without any additional effort at getting up. "Get out ob dar! d n you, I run'd ober you, mind dat!" screeched out the old woman, catching sight of the dark form of Crawford. "Hurtin' leetle boys! I pay you for it, honey!" "I hit him accidentally," said the lawyer, who had no intention of getting into a row in that "negro quarter."

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