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"Holiday, hell!" snorted the younger man. "We ought to be down to Bull's Dam before now " "And Bull's Dam is half-way to Redding," mocked a reptilian and red-headed giant on the log, "and Redding is the happy childhood home of " The young man leaped to his feet and seized from a pile of tools a peavy a dangerous weapon, like a heavy cant-hook, but armed at the end with a sharp steel shoe.

On the two "ladies" thus addressed Redding and his man had been gazing in silent surprise, for they were so good-looking and so blooming, that it seemed to the two men, who had been accustomed of late to the sight of none but the brown dames of the red skins, as if a couple of beings from another and a purer world had dropped suddenly upon their path.

The only man who performed his duty calmly was Redding, who, in a speech that quite surprised and transfixed the hearers, sought to point out that the men on trial had not actually committed the crime, with which they had been charged, that of seizing the ship, but had only contemplated it, as had been alleged, though even that had not been clearly proved; that, supposing the crime to have been committed, it was a first offence, and that justice should always be tempered with mercy, as was taught in that best of all law-books, the Bible.

Clapp, from behind, reached over and gave her a bunch of fennel. But the fennel only made Mary cry harder. In Redding, she was sure, would be no kind Mrs. Clapp, no "meeting-house seed;" and her sobs grew thicker at the thought. "I observe that your little daughter seems to be distressed," said Bishop Judson, as Mrs. Forcythe led the sobbing Mary down from the gallery at the end of service.

The wires are so numerous that they form a barrier through which it is difficult for any bird to fly and come out alive and unhurt. Mr. Beard says that among the birds killed or crippled by flying against those wires near Redding he has seen the following species: olive-backed thrush, white-throated sparrow and other sparrows, oriole, blue jay, rail, ruffed grouse, and woodcock.

McLeod gazed at the Indian for a moment in silent amazement. "I fear," continued Sharpeye, with a smile, "that I have to ask your forgiveness for having ventured really to practise deception on you." He removed a dark wig as he spoke, and revealed to the astonished gaze of the McLeods the light curly hair of Reginald Redding!

"Oh, nothing, nothing worth mentioning," said Redding hurriedly, endeavouring to recover himself; "I merely the fact is that a rock like this is so so utterly insignificant that the idea of trespassing on it is quite absurd, quite out of why, surely I cannot be mistaken," he added, lifting his cap, "this must be the young lady whom I had the pleasure of meeting on the road hither, at a time when "

I have toiled through it; it is like a ground swell in the sea that brings up all that is disgusting from the bottom admonitory letters unpaid bills few of these, thank my stars! all that one would wish to forget perks itself up in your face at a thorough redding up devil take it, I will get out and cool the fever that this turmoil has made in my veins!

As soon as low water came with midsummer, however, he arranged matters to run themselves as far as possible, left with Newmark minute instructions as to personal supervision, and himself departed to Redding. Here he joined a crew which Tom North had already collected, and betook himself to the head of the river. He knew exactly what he intended to do. Far back on the head-waters he built a dam.

"Children of her age form strong attachments to places, I am aware. But it is well to break them before they become unduly strong. Here we have no continuing city, you know." "Yes," said poor Mrs. Forcythe, with a meek sigh. She had been married fourteen years, and this was her seventh move. "Redding hum is a desirable place in some respects," went on the Bishop.