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Pulverized clay mixed with redding, makes a pretty rose color. Some think it is less likely to come off, if mixed with skim milk instead of water. But black lead is far handsomer than anything else for this purpose. It looks very well mixed with water, like redding; but it gives it a glossy appearance to boil the lead in soft soap, with a little water to keep it from burning.

It was Redding it was supposed who sped the unhappy Green. They overdid their work like young authors giving many more blows than were sufficient, and then fled. The works, of course, were that morning in consternation. Redding and Hickie were, if I remember rightly, apprehended in the course of the day. Doolan got off, leaving no trace of his whereabouts.

The day before had been surprisingly sunny and sweet, and Wolf and Harry Redding had taken the girls to Newark, where Wolf's motor-car had been stored all winter, and they had laughed, and joked, and chattered all the way like the care-free young things they were. Mrs. Sheridan, urged to join them, had pleaded business: she had promised old Mrs. Melrose to go and see her.

What I am about to relate is my first experience in rescuing a girl and occurred not long after my conversion. At this time my husband, my son, and I were living in Redding, Shasta Co., Cal. In the house that we were occupying lived another family also, the little four-year-old daughter of which was an especial pet of mine.

"Is there some more, ma?" asked Asia, eagerly. "Why, of course," explained Redding, "lots more. Now, go back, and stay until everybody has left the theater, and then you will be certain it's over." So back they went, furnishing an amusing entr'acte for the impatient audience. After the curtain descended on the final tableau, Redding waited in the lobby while the stream of people passed.

"Ay! ay!" cried Redding, who, next to the sheriff and clerk, appeared to be the most violent and officious among the assailants: "talk about being here without arms, and for peace, do ye? when you have stolen a dozen of our guns, and have now got them in there among you. Pretty fellows, to talk about parley? We will give you a parley that will send you all to hell before morning!"

And mark me, Redding, while there, or elsewhere, remember, that accursed Woodburn is a doomed man, and is to be taken, if found, and kept for my disposal. And I have another order, which must be left still more to your especial management.

Amongst his other philosophical qualities, Doctor Lundin failed not to be a confused sloven, and his old dame housekeeper, whose life, as she said, was spent in "redding him up," had trotted off to the mart of gaiety with other and younger folks.

Den ve convarsatione 'bout de fur-trade, an' de " "Well well," interrupted Redding, "but what was the last thing, just before he sent you off?" "Ah let me zee. Oui it was 'bout you'self. I tell him 'bout de property de Lock Doo vat you was " "Le Rue," exclaimed Redding, suddenly and very angrily, "you're a consummate ass!"

Fairchild, for the first thought that darted through her mind was, 'How very ill he looks, poor man much worse than papa. 'It is a letter for you, Mr. Fairchild, she said. 'Mr. Redding asked my brother to give it to you. It is from pa from Mr. Vane. 'But I don't know if there is any answer, said Rough. 'Redding didn't say. Please see, will you?