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Redding undertook to convince him that he was in error, and ventured to assure the Judge that the coat was well made. The Judge instantly seized an iron poker, and commenced an attack on Redding.

"I am Miss Redding," she said with a gentle dignity, "Mrs. Wilton's sister." He stared at her vaguely. "Mrs. Wilton oh! you're her sister? I didn't know " He stopped abruptly. As his confusion grew, her own faded away. "You didn't know she had one?" she asked, almost mischievously. "I didn't know you were here," he recovered himself. "You've never been with Mrs. Dud before, have you?"

The roof settled again with only a few shingles missing. We went to "redding up." Squalls broke against the mountainside, hither and yon, like the hammer of Thor testing the foundations of the earth. But they were below us. Here, on top, there was only the steady drive of a great surge of wind; and speech was possible once more.

"Say, you fellows," warned Rob, making a trumpet of his hands, "the captain says it's coming on to blow before long. You'd better get back into the inlet with that craft of yours." "Save your breath to cool your coffee," shouted Sam Redding back at him, across the fifty feet or so of water that lay between the two boats. "We know what we are about."

The bully was furious when he realized that he would be unable to secure an authorized patrol, and he and his cronies, two lads about his own age named Bill Bender and Sam Redding, had been busy ever since devising schemes to "get even" as they called it.

It will do you as well as me good, and will send you back to banishment in a better frame of mind." Redding, although strongly tempted by the comforts of civilised life and the hospitality of his host not to mention the attractions of the plump little daughters sternly resolved not to swerve an inch, from the path of what he believed to be his duty.

But it's not enough to be of any use. "And there's not another man here can wriggle in through the hole," went on the boss, turning toward the great rock which sealed the mouth of the mine. "A dozen of 'em tried it, and Redding got stuck so we had to get a rope on him. Nearly pulled his legs off." Wilson made his way forward and examined the strangely blocked entrance.

The jam had been successfully held at the iron railroad bridge above Redding; but only by the most strenuous efforts. Braces of oak beams had been slanted where they would do the most good; chains strengthened the weaker spots; and on top of all ton after ton of railroad iron held the whole immovably.

But it is beautiful, too; so hot and leafy and thunderous." "And where are you at the old house?" "No; at a hotel, up near the Park. I wish you and little Peter Pan could get away somewhere, Rose, for we'll have another three weeks of the heat!" "Oh, my dear, Mother Redding and the baby and I are going to the Berkshires for at least two whole weeks," Rose announced, happily.

What more can we say, good reader, than that old Mrs Crowder's wish was fulfilled to the letter, for a large family, trained by Redding and Flora to respect the laws of God and love the name of Jesus, caused the roof-tree of Loch Dhu to ring full many a year thereafter with joyous tones, that were the direct result of "health, happiness, charity, and truth."