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"'An' why not? says I. "'For a jail-bird? says he. "'Deed, says I, 'if yer own b'y had been breakin' stones wid a gang of toughs for sivin long years gone, wouldn't ye be after likin' a man to spake wan daycint word wid him? says I. "Wid that Jim turned on quick-like an' says: "'I'll thank ye, Mrs. McCann, to kape yer advice to yerself.

"The Colonel see I was in earnest, and he stepped up, quick-like, and laid his hand on my shoulder. "'Captain Brandt, he says, 'we ain't worryin' 'bout your clo'es, and don't you worry. You can come in your shirt, you can come in your socks, or you can come without one damned rag only come!"

"Wot for?" ses Bob; "you've got no right to keep me 'ere." "Catch 'old of 'im, Joe," ses Mr. Cutts, quick-like. Smith caught 'old of his other arm, and Lewis left off trying to find the sack to watch the struggle. Bob Pretty fought 'ard, and once or twice 'e nearly tumbled Mr. Cutts into the pond, but at last 'e gave in and lay down panting and talking about 'is loryer.

"Who's a-lecturin' anybody, Ah'd lak to know? Ah'm jes' tellin' yo' what yo' was a-doin' when Ah came into de room. Yo' was a-sleepin' p'etty doggone tight, lemme tell yo'. Is yo' goin' out fo' yo' walk befo' b'eakfus, honey? 'Cause if yo' is, yo' all 'll be obleeged to climb out'n dat baid maghty quick-like. Yo' baf is ready, Miss Bev'ly."

The clerk looks at it for a moment, and quick-like says, 'How will you have it? 'This way, Starlight answered, pointing his revolver at his head, 'and don't you stir or I'll shoot you before you can raise your hand. The manager's room was a small den at one side. They don't allow much room in country banks unless they make up their mind to go in for a regular swell building.

"The child treated me like the devil's calls her," said Gentilla Stanley, shaking her head angrily. "And I have no trust in her, for a witchly wrong 'un she is. When she goes donkey-wise to Wanbury, I says to a chal, says I, quick-like, 'Follow and watch her games! So the chal runs secret, behind hedges, and comes on the child at the railway line making for Lundra.

You could say that you have found me quick-like in this matter; couldn't you, Sir John? Bagwax was truly happy in the love of Jemima Curlydown; but the idea of earning two hundred pounds for furniture, and of seeing distant climes at the same time, had taken a strong hold of his imagination. 'I am afraid I should have no voice in the matter, unless with the view of getting evidence.

"I haven't the clever ways of Saul Haverick." "Simon, it's my judgment this night that Mary Snow will never marry Saul Haverick." "I'm glad to hear you think that, captain. 'Twould spoil her life or any woman's." "No, no," he said, quick-like. "Almost any woman's yes; but not Mary Snow's not altogether." "And why?"

'Then, sez 'e quick-like, 'w'at makes 'em all shout "Toes?" W'y don't the brain 'ear "Hankle" or "'Eel"? Then the old doctor 'e did git mad an' 'e did swear at father most orful. But father, 'e knows 'ow to conduct 'isself, an' sez 'e quite dignified, 'I 'ope as 'ow I know 'ow to treat a gentleman. This pulls the old doctor up an' 'e sez, 'I beg yer pardon, Mr. Fallows, sez 'e.

Jane's old, rebellious loyalty clashed with her doubt. "I won't believe it," she replied, stubbornly. "Well then, just act natural an' talk natural, an' pretty soon give them time to hear us pretend to go over there to the table, en' then quick-like make a move for the door en' open it." "I will," said Jane, with heightened color.