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"He was familiar, suh, and presumin' and offensive." Yancey broke away again, but Fitz sidetracked him with a gesture, and asked the colonel to repeat Klutchem's exact words. The colonel gazed at the ceiling a moment, and replied: "Mr. Klutchem said that, outside of peanuts and sweet potatoes, all my road would git for freight would be niggers and razor-back hogs." "Mr.

I 'ope you'll take 'em, Gov'nor, and not think me presumin', sir." Cleek faced round and looked at him a long look without saying anything, then he screwed round on his heel and walked to the window. "It is very nice and very thoughtful of you, Dollops," he said presently, his voice a little thick, his tones a little uneven. "But don't be silly and waste your money, my lad. Lay it by.

But Dr. Morgan was not given to advertising either his titles or himself, and he was hurrying across the platform to Redny Blount's depot wagon when Captain Hiram touched him on the arm. "Why, hello, Captain Baker," exclaimed the Doctor, "how do you do?" "Dr. Morgan," said the Captain, "I I hope you'll excuse my presumin' on you this way, but I want to ask a favor of you, a great favor.

"I hope you won't think I'm actin' forward, because I ain't one o' the presumin' kind. I just wanted to do somethin' to help out because your mother was a very lovely lady. Three times a day for ten years she give me my change an' there never was a time when she didn't have a decent, kindly word for me the only good woman in this town that'd look at me God bless her! Mum's the word, Miss Donnie.

Consequently, Miss Donnie, any time you need a friend you just ring up the Silver Dollar saloon an' tell the barkeep to call Hennage to the 'phone. Remember! I ain't the presumin' kind, but I can be a good friend " He dodged back as if somebody had struck at him. Before Donna could quite realize what he had been saying he had disappeared.

Sanders chased Sunnysides three seasons, an' thought he'd roped him. But all he gits 's a cracked leg, an' not a yeller hair of the slippery beast. Then us three takes on the job not presumin' to be better'n Sanders, but hopin' for luck. It comes our way, an' there you are. We offer him to Sanders for a price, natch'rally but he says he don't believe in ghosts, an' we c'n go to hell with him."

'We'll need all our strength to-night, and if we stay awake we're sure to get hungry. 'Werry sound advice, Mas'r Dick, said Mathews. 'But would I be presumin', sir, to ask you a favour?

I've wore corns on my hands a- bangin' that there iron gate to announce my approach, an' it wasn't no use; so I just made up my mind you was ready to receive me an' I come ramblin' in. Donnie, you know I ain't one o' the presumin' kind." He held out a hand to Bob and another to Donna. "How?" he queried, and made swift appraisal of Bob McGraw from heels to hair.

"Yes, sir, if you please, presumin' it's a safe bank." "Safe as houses." "'Cos it's a tolerable big amount," settling himself into his boots in the manner of a millionaire. "Lot of money about four hundred pounds! But you can trust me to see to it all right." "No fear, sir," replied Joseph grandly. "I'm quite content, I'm sure, that you should have the fingering o' the dibs."

But of course this young Bob, he's different from what I was at his age " "I couldn't help it" Donna sobbed; "he's one of the presuming kind." Harley P. sat down and laughed until his three gold teeth almost threatened to fall out. "God bless your sweet soul, Miss Donna," he gasped, "go in and kiss him again! He needs you worse than he does a nurse. Go in an' kiss the presumin' cuss."