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"John Webb, here-excuse me, Sheriff John Webb- presumin' on the fact that he has been to the mines, and that he came here in '49, arrogates to himself the exclusive lyin' privileges, of this assemblage." "Pretty large order," commented Sherwood. "Precisely," agreed Cal, "and that's why the drinks are on him!"

One poor little girl, sick and vorking hard avay from home. Ach! it is a shame. Good Mr. Robberman, you vill please let me have dot letter?" "What the devil do you take us for, old Pretzels?" said Hondo with sudden and surprising severity. "You ain't presumin' to insinuate that we gents ain't possessed of sufficient politeness for to take an interest in the miss's health, are you?

They were quite uneasy, and to prevent their trail revealing them they dropped a few hundred yards down the shore, where they awaited the coming of darkness. "Worrah! worrah!" said Tim with an immense sigh, "this is a bad day when we came to leave the youngster with the rid gintleman. A fine youngster was the same bowld and presumin'. It's a qua'ar failin', Masther Howard, that comes to me."

First, I'd hate to be responsible for tippin' over such a sky-towerin' idol as you've been to make ruins for Angie Phinney and the other blackbirds to peck at and caw over. And second well, it does sound presumin', don't it, but I kind of pity you. Say, Heman," he added with a chuckle, "that's a kind of distinction, in a way, ain't it?

And it appeared like that'd been her graft ever since presumin' on her sex to make disturbances. In six months we hated her like pizen. There wasn't a stampede in a hundred miles where her bloomers wasn't leading, for she had the endurance of a moose; and between excitements she prospected for trouble in the manner of relocations.

However, we'll wait an' see if Bob McGraw like that name, Miss Donna?" "I love it." "We'll wait an' see if he pulls through this, an' then we'll find out if he can be cured o' desert-rattin'. In the meantime I'll wait here until Doc gets back. I ain't one of the presumin' kind, but I think I'd better stay. An' you I think you'd better go in an' have another good look at this Desert Rat o' yours.

"I wouldn't like to tell you," he said, "but I've been in some mighty- y-y funn-y-y places, where I didn't meet no beautiful young ladies like you, Miss Donnie. I ain't much of a man at handin' out compliments I never was one o' the presumin' kind but you sure do put San Pasqual on the map. Miss Donnie, you do, for a fact." Donna smiled her appreciation of Harley P.'s gallantry.

"I reckon you're Buck Duane," went on Stevens. "I heerd you was a damn bad man with a gun." This time Duane laughed, not at the doubtful compliment, but at the idea that the first outlaw he met should know him. Here was proof of how swiftly facts about gun-play traveled on the Texas border. "Wal, Buck," said Stevens, in a friendly manner, "I ain't presumin' on your time or company.